Our emotions are made by God, yet they too must bow before Him

God has given you talents and opportunities. Seize them today -- not tomorrow.

What if trials of this life, the rain, the storms, the hardest nights, are Your mercies in disguise?

Life is filled with things you don't expect, but the Bible tells us to respond by trusting God and continuing to worship him.

What if my greatest disappointments, or the aching of this life, is the revealing of a greater thirst this world can't satisfy?

When we sing praises to our Lord, we join in the chorus that creation has been singing from the beginning of time. And it is the same anthem that we as believers will be singing for all eternity.

I find joy and peace in the presence of God and the Holy Spirit sustains that worship, renewing my mind and restoring my heart...His radiance inspires us and enables us to bring Him the adoration due His name.

But there's a decision that I find God is asking us to make: whether we are going to choose to interpret our circumstances based on what we hold to be true about God, or whether we're going to judge what we hold to be true about God based on our circumstances.

David knew that the very quality of his worship was not based on his own volition but on the object of his worship - the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Though our affections for God may wax and wane, His character is unchanging! We even see David speaking to his own soul, demanding of it, "Bless the Lord!"

When you put biblical truth to the songs used in churches, you'll have the congregation leave singing the sermon. You'll have God's thoughts, things that are God-breathed, stuck in their heads. It's sad to think about a really catchy tune paired up with bad theology because that could, honestly, do a lot of damage in church.

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