Between God and love, I recognize no mediator but my conscience.

Glory can be for a woman but the brilliant morning of happiness.

Intellect does not attain its full force unless it attacks power.

All music, even if its occasion be a gay one, renders us pensive.

The greatest happiness is to transform one's feelings into action.

Innocence in genius, and candor in power, are both noble qualities.

Kindness and generosity ... form the true morality of human actions.

What is love, if it can calculate and provide against its own decay?

One must, in one's life, make a choice between boredom and suffering.

Morality must guide calculation, and calculation must guide politics.

The pursuit of politics is religion, morality, and poetry all in one.

The human mind always makes progress, but it is a progress in spirals.

Love is admiring with the heart. And admiring is loving with the mind.

I am glad that I am not a man, for then I should have to marry a woman.

Happiness is a wondrous commodity: the more you give, the more you have.

There is no second country for an Englishman, except a ship and the sea.

I must keep on rowing, not until I reach port but until I reach my grave.

The mind may be exhausted, but the language of the heart is inexhaustible.

We understand death only after it has placed its hands on someone we love.

The greater part of what women write about women is mere sycophancy to man.

A man must know how to fly in the face of opinion; a woman to submit to it.

Gaiety pleases more when we are assured that it does not cover carelessness.

The education of life perfects the thinking mind, but depraves the frivolous.

Ought not every woman, like every man, to follow the bent of her own talents?

The most careful reasoning characters are very often the most easily abashed.

Love is the whole history of a woman's life, it is but an episode in a man's.

The success of any man with any woman is apt to displease even his best friends.

Search for the truth is the noblest occupation of man; its publication is a duty.

One must, so long as there is any life left, back up the character of one's life.

Truth and, by consequence, liberty, will always be the chief power of honest men.

The world is the work of a single thought, expressed in a thousand different ways.

We understand death for the first time when he puts his hand upon one whom we love

[The Germans] so easily confuse obstinacy with energy, and rudeness with firmness.

The mystery of existence is the connection between our faults and our misfortunes.

The language of religion can alone suit every situation and every mode of feeling.

When men do wrong, it is out of hardness; when women do wrong, it is out of weakness.

The more we know the better we forgive. Whoever feels deeply, feels for all who live.

Who understands much forgives much. To understand everything makes us very forgiving.

Genius is essentially creative; it bears the stamp of the individual who possesses it.

Self-love, so sensitive in its own cause, has rarely any sympathy to spare for others.

Thought can never be compared with action, but when it awakens in us the image of truth.

there is not enough interest in life to spread over twenty-four hours when one can't sleep.

Strangers are contemporary posterity. [Fr., Les etrangers sont la posterite contemporaine.]

women have no existence except in love; the history of their life begins and ends with love!

I never was able to believe in the existence of next year except as in a metaphysical notion.

Love which is only an episode in the life of men, is the entire history of the life of women.

intellect is a sin that must be atoned for by leading exactly the life of those who have none.

The entire social order ... is arrayed against a woman who wants to rise to a man's reputation.

When once enthusiasm has been turned into ridicule, everything is undone except money and power.

Let us then blend everything: love, religion, genius, with sunshine, perfume, music, and poetry.

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