My twenties were a write-off.

At twenty every one is republican.

Gold were as good as twenty orators.

Bebop has set music back twenty years.

You got to get twenty-seven outs to win.

Is twenty hundred kisses such a trouble?

Towering is the confidence of twenty-one.

Almost any age is better than twenty-two.

I have a daughter, she's twenty years old.

I started going gray in my early twenties.

I was a Clinton Democrat for twenty years.

I was just dying to get out of my twenties.

Film is lies at twenty-four frames a second.

Ten kisses short as one, one long as twenty.

No one can be Gilda twenty-four hours a day.

In your twenties, everything makes you crazy.

My twenties were the worst period of my life.

Faith is a twenty-four hour a day commitment.

Each substance of a grief has twenty shadows.

A feature film is twenty-four lies per second.

Twenty Percent of Zero is Better than Nothing.

My twenties were tumultuous at best... I think.

Life's too short to be a Go-Go for twenty years.

Impressionism is simply twenty minutes into LSD.

In my twenties, I was a huge, insane risk-taker.

I might have had too many friends in my twenties.

Marriage is grand. Divorce is about twenty grand.

I think twenty-somethings are very cause-oriented.

Ignorance at twenty-two isn't a structural defect.

Twenty is a wonderful age for things to be sparked.

Take a little timecount five-and-twenty,Tattycoram.

For years I have played the twenty-something lover.

I'm not wild about those twenty-four hour marinades

I was on my own union council for twenty-odd years.

There were so many ways to be twenty-six years old.

You can't be twenty-four hours of just Bush-bashing.

I believe the twenty-four hour day has come to stay.

I gained twenty pounds [during pregnancy of my wife].

Music has seven letters, writing has twenty-six notes

Shot at twenty-seven times - what a Dominican number.

Only another twenty thousand or so days of this to go.

America: Twenty million illegal aliens can't be wrong!

When I was in my twenties, I thought I was bulletproof.

Day, n. A period of twenty-four hours, mostly misspent.

She was a faded but still lovely woman of twenty-seven.

The first twenty shows at TV 23 were really a workshop.

If you have one good idea, people will lend you twenty.

Somewhere around twenty-five, bizarre becomes immature.

Kafka: cries of helplessness in twenty powerful volumes.

Well, I was fourteen in Texas. But I looked twenty-five.

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