Football is made up of episodes.

We are an episode between two oblivions.

I once aged 90 years old in one episode.

I was never in an episode of I LOVE LUCY!

I've never seen an episode of Downton Abbey.

Tom Hanks knows the name of all the episodes.

First episodes are difficult things to write.

My childhood was not an episode from Downton Abbey

We shoot double episodes in 15 days in Los Angeles.

I've had it. I did 4,700 episodes. Isn't that enough?

I've never had a series that's gone past 12 episodes.

I did nine episodes of 'John Doe.' I died of boredom.

Everything in your life right now is a possible episode.

Hotmail just picked up 12 new episodes of 'Judging Amy'.

I didn't direct [the Taboo episodes]. I wrote all of them.

About 15 years later, I was given all 113 episodes on tape.

Happiness is but a mere episode in the general drama of pain.

180 episodes of 'CSI: Miami' and never the same lipstick twice!

I think there's going to be many special episodes of 'Blackish.'

The English are very indulgent to episodes of alcoholic insanity.

I did an episode of 'Frasier' with my friend Kelsey Grammer once.

Boy, am I glad there wasn't a fourth episode of Lord of the Rings.

'All That' was fire but I don't really remember a lot of episodes.

I would love to just watch episodes of 'Horsin' Around' if I could.

I read every draft of every episode of every series produced at FX.

Every first episode of a season has been crafted like another pilot.

Every episode of 'True Blood' is like shooting a low budget feature.

In nighttime series, the actor gets billing up front on every episode.

For Democrats, nothing is any less complex than a 'West Wing' episode.

I was doing Babylon 5 season two and I was in all 22 episodes of that.

I want every episode to feel like we still haven't done this right yet.

We had a great run on 'Reno' - 87 episodes and a movie. Not too shabby.

I flew back and forth and did episodes of Roseanne while I was at Yale.

In the time you make one series of 9-10 episodes, you can make 3 films.

I've never watched an entire episode of 'American Idol'. It's too mean.

I'm leaving. I'm doing five episodes this year, then I'll be headed out.

A lot of Christmas episodes of comedies are comedies trying to be dramas.

I'm always watching old episodes of 'The Golden Girls' or 'The Simpsons.'

We have to have humor to survive 22 episodes a year of network television.

It's not about creating 22 episodes indefinitely for as long as you can do.

Flashback episodes are a tried-and-true sitcom device, but they always work!

First of all, it was in my contract. I knew I would be directing an episode.

Any rapidly enacted episode. . .should be seen through only one pair of eyes.

Love is the whole history of a woman's life, it is but an episode in a man's.

I directed an early episode of 'Supernatural' the first season called 'Skin.'

I've seen a bunch of the 'Portlandia' episodes, and they're pretty hilarious.

'Lipstick Jungle' was on the air for 20 episodes - I loved 'Lipstick Jungle.'

Everyone knew this was the episode that was going to make or break the season.

I still feel driven to try to make great shows and to make each episode great.

I'll be directing some more 'Private Practice' episodes when we wrap 'Caprica.'

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