I did a musical episode of 'Scrubs.'

I've seen every episode of 'Sopranos.'

I've seen every episode of 'Seinfeld.'

Life isn't like a 'Full House' episode.

I once aged 90 years old in one episode.

McGee was intended as a one episode role.

'Atlanta' changes genres a lot per episode.

I think I've seen every 'Bill Maher' episode.

I've never seen an episode of 'Downton Abbey.'

'Law & Order' has the same plot every single episode.

I've never watched an episode of 'Star Trek.' For real.

I haven't seen one second of any episode of 'Lost,' ever.

I love 'Sex and the City;' I think I've seen every episode.

I mean, every Star Trek episode you saw was just phenomenal.

Every episode of 'Suits' is great and moves the story forward.

I did a 'Hart of Dixie' episode, and I was so excited for that.

I did an episode of 'Frasier' with my friend Kelsey Grammer once.

I've never seen a single episode of 'So You Think You Can Dance.'

I'm trying to forget I ever saw 'Episode I,' but Yoda is forever.

I read every draft of every episode of every series produced at FX.

I was lucky enough myself to have been in Dad's Army for an episode.

I'm a huge '24'-head and have watched every episode of every season.

Every first episode of a season has been crafted like another pilot.

Every episode of 'True Blood' is like shooting a low budget feature.

In nighttime series, the actor gets billing up front on every episode.

Television doesn't get any better than the second episode of 'Castle.'

For Democrats, nothing is any less complex than a 'West Wing' episode.

I think audiences can feel when they're being served a filler episode.

I want every episode to feel like we still haven't done this right yet.

I've never watched an entire episode of 'American Idol'. It's too mean.

'The Reckoning' is one of my proudest hours. I love that episode so much.

I don't ever want to have a weak episode of television with my name on it.

You can watch any episode you want and have a compelling story being told.

First of all, it was in my contract. I knew I would be directing an episode.

We know that slow-motion renovations in tight jeans make for a great episode.

My guilty pleasure is 'Revenge.' I've watched it from the very first episode.

But I've never tried writing an episode of 'EastEnders', even as an exercise.

Love is the whole history of a woman's life, it is but an episode in a man's.

I directed an early episode of 'Supernatural' the first season called 'Skin.'

My SAG card was from doing 'Blue Bloods,' an episode called 'Justice Served.'

I still feel driven to try to make great shows and to make each episode great.

More people saw me in one episode of 'Cheers' than would ever see me in a play.

A story has to have several layers to sustain audience interest in each episode.

If someone said, 'Sit down and write a 'Community' episode,' I would be panicked.

Maybe I'll write an episode of 'Black-ish' about a guy being fired in late-night.

I'm crazy about 'Breaking Bad,' but I wouldn't know how to write an episode of it.

I was a real avid 'Fresh Prince of Bel-Air' fan. I think I may know every episode.

We would go on 'The Voice,' and we'd get kicked off of the first episode, probably.

My mom, dad, and sister have all watched every episode of everything I've ever done.

After the third episode of 'The Mandalorian,' I knew I had to make my own Baby Yoda.

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