There is a very intimate connection between hypnotic phenomena and ...

There is a very intimate connection between hypnotic phenomena and religion.

I feel such a connection to 'Violet.'

I don't feel any connection to Russia.

I'm a big believer in our connection to nature.

We hunger for connection to a larger community.

I like to do projects I feel some connection to.

There's no connection between al-Qaeda and Iraq.

The antidote to addiction is connection and love.

I get asked a lot about the Rock N' Sock Connection.

No connection between Iraq and the 9/11 catastrophe.

I don't have a connection to the fashion world at all.

I believe art is a connection, like passing on a flame.

There is a real connection between Philosopy and fiction.

The 65,536 processors were inside the Connection Machine.

Technology is synonymous for connection with other people.

I believe in that connection between freedom and the city.

In truth, I did enjoy the benefits of a Harvard connection.

I love keeping a connection with everyone I've worked with.

I feel a special connection to Haiti and the Haitian people.

You can find a connection with any Shakespeare role you play.

Real connection and intimacy is like a meal, not a sugar fix.

Look your significant other in the eyes, make that connection.

A connection between poetry and blindness is a classical trope.

What I needed was a connection to life that was real and lasting.

Education teaches us compassion and kindness, connection to others.

The connection between education and a healthy economy is critical.

I entered this career having no background or connection to acting.

I can't write about people I don't feel some sort of connection to.

But I do have a computer at home and a pretty good ISDN connection.

My prayer life and my connection with God are on the highest level.

I've always had a close connection to both rock and classical music.

Skype is for any individual who has a broadband Internet connection.

What interests me is the connection between maths and the real world.

Loneliness is proof that your innate search for connection is intact.

Facts are stupid until brought into connection with some general law.

People crave comfort, people crave connection, people crave community.

Creative work gives you an almost indissoluble connection with people.

We know that there is a connection between our feelings and our brain.

I have no connection with Hollywood. I'm not interested. I don't care.

I'm an engineer turned entrepreneur who's passionate about connection.

I love animals, and I feel more of a connection to animals than people.

Wrestling and boxing is like Ping-Pong and rugby. There's no connection.

Grief releases love and it also instills a profound sense of connection.

Spirituality was the main issue. Connection with God was the main issue.

There isn't a person on Earth who couldn't use a connection with nature.

When you tour, you regain the music and the connection with the audience.

That was my first real connection with Dre - that we both liked to drink.

I'm looking for the unexplainable connection and spark - real, true love.

Someday, I'll make the right connection with the house I'm meant to be in.

I learned again that the mind-body-spirit connection has to be in balance.

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