If you're not dead, God's not done.

Thankfulness eradicates entitlement.

It’s ok to not be ok, but it’s not ok to stay that way.

Worship does not become worship until it changes the way we live

If you don't let your past die, then it won't let you live. Period.

God has called each one of us to embrace life, not merely to endure it.

Procrastination is assassination on the amazing future God has for you.

Every number has a name! Every name has a story! Every story matters to God!

When a team feels like a family, they will go all out to love and serve one another.

A leader should care way more about HOW people are doing rather than HOW they are doing their work.

If you are in a meeting and you disagree mentally then you have an obligation to disagree verbally!

I don't think that God raised up Internet bloggers to call out wolves - who have an opinion and a website.

I wasn't a bad person who needed to become good...I was DEAD and needed to be brought to life! (Ephesians 2:1-10)

Every once in a while I have this thought, we've got to piss off the religious people. How are we going to do that?

Leading with integrity is embracing honesty! We should always use our weaknesses to point others to Christ's strength.

The ISIS situation is not just “their problem to deal with in the Middle East,” it’s OUR PROBLEM because it involves people Jesus died for.

Life is too short to spend forty to fifty hours around people who do nothing but stress you out and make you desire to go stick your head in a blender.

Here’s the dangerous thing about Jesus: He’s not after your behaviour; he’s after your heart. Make no mistake about it. Jesus is going to relentlessly and passionately pursue your heart. Even when your behaviour tricks everybody else, it just doesn’t trick Jesus. He’s coming after the heart.

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