Happiness is a moral obligation

Art has an obligation to offend

God primes the pump of obligation.

A dream is better than obligation.

God primes the pump of obligation.

Every claim creates an obligation.

For me, motivation is like obligation.

My obligation is to the movie audiences.

I have no obligation to deal with slime.

An obligation to feel can freeze feelings.

Obligations may be universal or particular.

Protecting our kids is a sacred obligation.

I think you have an obligation to be honest.

What then is your duty? What the day demands.

December 25th has become guilt and obligation.

No obligation to do the impossible is binding.

Death, they say, acquits us of all obligations.

Relationships based on obligation lack dignity.

Obligation is thraldom, and thraldom is hateful.

It is our obligation to stop Hillary Clinton now.

We all have some basic obligation to one another.

Teaching civility is an obligation of the family.

Love should be an inspiration, not an obligation.

I believe the artist has an obligation to society.

Friendship is not always the sequel of obligation.

I always felt a weird obligation to be adventurous.

Success is your duty, obligation and responsibility

We do have treaty obligations with our NATO allies.

Revolution is our obligation: our hope of evolution.

To be a heretic to-day is almost a human obligation.

When you make an observation, you have an obligation.

Life's under no obligation to give us what we expect.

It's my obligation to celebrate after scoring a goal.

The fact has not created in me A sense of obligation.

I've always had an obligation to creation, above all.

The clearest actions come from truth, not obligation.

Basketball is in my blood. It is my obligation to try.

The first thing I see is the obligation to serve peace.

Life's only obligation, afterall, was to be interesting.

I really respect my craft and obligation to my audience.

It's my obligation to take out all the 'wrong' pictures.

We're under obligation to love - that's the commandment.

People have an obligation to live up to their potential.

The Universe is under no obligation to make sense to you.

Islam is under obligation to gain power over all nations.

If one could look this fabulous, one had an obligation to.

My moral obligation is to God. I won't curse in God's name.

Children are not a right, they are a privileged obligation.

Every nation has a moral obligation to safeguard the future.

Everything about morality and obligations I owe to football.

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