Nobody's going to vote for Isis.

I will knock the hell out of ISIS.

At least I have a plan to fight ISIS.

A vote in 2002 is not a plan to defeat ISIS.

Going after ISIS, it's beautiful, I like it.

These are terrible people in ISIS, not masterminds.

We've got to keep fighting, and I will defeat ISIS.

Barack Obama can't beat ISIS. He's a lousy president.

I close with two words, ‘Kill ISIS!’ God bless you all!

They've spread like cancer. ISIS has spread like cancer.

We're gonna stop them [ISIS], we're gonna stop them cold.

Oh, how superior is the Eye of Horus to the Mouth of Isis!

A defeat for ISIS in Iraq will be defeat for ISIS in Syria.

ISIS is on its way to defeat but terrorism threat persists.

ISIS represents the worst threat to freedom since Communism!

If ISIS represents Islam, then the KKK represents Christianity

If anything caused ISIS, it was the 2003 U.S. invasion of Iraq.

In short, ISIS is composed of religiously motivated psychopaths.

We have to defeat ISIS. That is my highest counterterrorism goal.

I'm the leading voice in America for not arming the allies of ISIS.

ISIS will be wiped out.Just off the face of the earth. This is evil.

We have to get rid of ISIS, have to get rid of ISIS. We have no choice.

[Hillary] Clinton, we are not where we need to be in the fight against ISIS.

I hope by the time I am president that we will have pushed ISIS out of Iraq.

President al-Assad and his army are the only force that actually fights ISIS.

Donald Trump says he knows more about ISIS than the generals. No, he doesn't.

I intend to defeat ISIS, to do so in a coalition with majority Muslim nations.

Syrian refugees might be Isis, they may be the great Trojan horse of all time.

They (#ISIS) are going to be bombing American cities coming across from Mexico.

It's not a world war yet, but we're at war, because ISIS has declared war on us.

In the United States, we can talk about ISIS, but we can't talk about Palestine.

ISIS is the new jihad - violent jihadist vanguard in the Middle East and globally.

ISIS and radical Islamic terrorism will face no more determined foe than I will be.

In the current febrile climate Isis needs Donald Trump and Donald Trump needs Isis.

I think that ISIS is a problem and it's really a symptom of a much greater problem.

There is nothing in common between al-Assad and ISIS, they fight against each other.

Hillary Clinton lies a lot. She has bad judgment. She created ISIS with her stupidity.

I don't like [Bashir] Assad at all. But Assad is killing ISIS. Russia is killing ISIS.

Russia hasn't paid any attention to ISIS. They're interested in keeping Assad in power.

If Russia and the United States got along well and went after ISIS, that would be good.

To be honest, I inherited a mess.ISIS has spread like cancer - another mess I inherited.

If they listen to the military people, we probably wouldn't be having an ISIS right now.

If you join ISIS, if you wage jihad on America, then you are signing your death warrant.

We finally are where we need to be. We have a strategy and a commitment to go after ISIS.

Had we kept the oil, you wouldn't have ISIS, because they fuel their growth with the oil.

Email says that no, it is the governments of Saudi and Qatar that have been funding ISIS.

I listen how Hillary Clinton's going to get rid of ISIS. She's going to get rid of nobody.

Even the U.S. government agrees that some Saudi figures have been supporting ISIL, or ISIS.

To defeat ISIS and let Iran get nuclear weapons would be to win the battle and lose the war.

We need to wage this war against ISIS from the air, on the ground, and online, in cyberspace.

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