I'm a suburban mom. I grew up in Oakland County, Michigan.

Barack Obama basically ran as a liberal suburban Republican.

I come from a very straight and adjusted suburban background.

The women's movement was slow in coming to suburban New Jersey.

Suburban houses and tin sheds are often the objects of ridicule.

I'm a Sydney suburban boy shaped entirely by the western suburbs.

In other words, New York has gone all suburban and bourgeois on us.

I'm finally a suburban housewife. Honestly, it's my dream come true.

The separation of church and state is a suburban, not an urban, issue.

My upbringing was very straightforward suburban working class upbringing.

I try to be careful how much I sing about the suburban house or whatever.

Let's just say, the American school of suburban angst is not my cup of tea.

Local teenagers killed in a car crash is a suburban legend, a stock plot line.

The worst mistake I made was that stupid, suburban prejudice of anti-Semitism.

Jay-Z, he knows precisely who he's going for - 14-year-old white suburban girls.

I'm from New York City. I grew up in the city. Suburban life was very odd to me.

I grew up in suburban New York City and London, England, where my dad was working.

I started writing poetry as a teenager in suburban Chicago out of emotional desperation.

I'm from a nice, suburban, middle-class family, but my tattoos remind me where I've been.

Poverty, to be picturesque, should be rural. Suburban misery is as hideous as it is pitiable.

A suburban mother's role is to deliver children obstetrically once, and by car forever after.

I grew up in suburban Brisbane, so to say you wanted to be an actor was a ridiculous concept.

The car has become the carapace, the protective and aggressive shell, of urban and suburban man.

I don't think we'd be the business that we are today if we were spread out in the suburban areas.

A city building, you experience when you walk; a suburban building, you experience when you drive.

For all my proclivities for thuggery, I am a typical middle-class dad. I'm a gangsta rap suburban father!

The place of the father in the modern suburban family is a very small one, particularly if he plays golf.

Most applicants to creative writing programs submit stories about the angst of their suburban childhoods.

If you're a suburban kid, and you're 30 minutes from New York City, that's the luckiest thing in the world.

I don't fight the suburban areas or collar counties. I get along with them; they're former Chicagoans anyway.

My early prose style - this is so embarrassing - was sort of a suburban, Presbyterian knockoff of Woody Allen.

I've never looked at a suburban building as being a minor building and an urban building as being a major building.

I grew up in suburban New Jersey in a transitional area that was surrounded by farmland that wasn't being cultivated.

'American Horror' is the debasement of the suburban family, the way a lonely kid would have imagined it in the Seventies.

I had a very progressive drama teacher who would buy all the plays that were in New York and bring them to suburban Texas.

My constituents include CU Buffs, ski bums, techies, artists, suburban soccer moms, and proud, hard-working Colorado families.

My dad was an FBI agent. My mom and dad were straight arrow types, and I had a conservative, suburban Orange County upbringing.

There was never a single murder in my neighbourhood; there was barely a robbery. It was so suburban, it was almost disappointing.

Irvine, being a planned community, is really good shorthand, especially in a movie or book, for understanding suburban pressures.

I remember growing up in suburban New Jersey, and all the computer stores were like, 'Motherboard Mayhem' and all these cheesy names.

For a 12-year-old with a hyperactive imagination who liked to dream of dreary gothic castles, suburban Florida felt a little stifling.

We lived in the bowels of New York City. It was a struggle just to survive. This nice suburban kid hadn't had to do much of that before.

I loved growing up in Portland because I'm not from L.A. or New York or Chicago or some cool city... It was a very regular suburban life.

There are so many people in Memphis who have real reasons to be angsty, but I was just a suburban white kid with all this misplaced rage.

Living modestly in a suburban neighborhood while trying to support four children through private school is not extravagant or living large.

I believe that global warming is a myth. And so, therefore, I have no conscience problems at all and I'm going to buy a Suburban next time.

I grew up in a secular suburban Jewish household where we only observed the religion on very specific times like a funeral or a Bar Mitzvah.

And in the end, bin Laden died in a squalid suburban compound surrounded by his wives and children and far from the front lines of his holy war.

I was born in 1968 and grew up in my grandmother's house in suburban Connecticut, where I was convinced a ghost named Virgil lived in the attic.

A lack of reliable high-speed Internet access creates an opportunity divide between Central Virginia's rural communities and our suburban areas.

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