I love poker!

I just love poker players.

I play poker face to face.

Poker is supposed to be fun.

Poker is meant to be enjoyed.

I just don't enjoy poker that much.

You get steely nerves playing poker.

Every poker player is smarter than me.

Yes, I think poker really isn't gambling.

Writing about poker is one of my passions.

I love playing poker, reading, and painting.

I like to play a lot of poker in my off time.

I'm just a poker player who does a bit of TV.

I'm not a poker player; I play slot machines.

My kitty cats could rely on my poker winnings.

I've won over 50 million dollars playing poker.

Michael Phelps truly has a ton of poker talent.

When I play poker, I don't like losing the pot.

I'm the first person in my family to play poker.

I'm not a big poker guy, I like to play shnarps.

I like blackjack. I like the psychology of poker.

My favorite poker game is No Limit Texas Hold 'Em.

The best part about poker is there's no down side.

To the untrained eye, poker seems deceptively easy.

I wear my heart on my sleeve. I have no poker face.

Poker is a skill game pretending to be a chance game.

I have been on TV quite a few times as a poker player.

I've been an idiot at the poker table for a long time.

I have a good poker face because I am half-dead inside.

Poker is all about comfort with uncertainty, after all.

No, that's poker. To win, you've gotta get damned lucky.

Ninety percent of the hands aren't shown in a poker game.

I made the choice to go into the world of underground poker.

Hyper-aggressive poker works best in deep-stack tournaments.

The only things I'm competitive in are backgammon and poker.

I could think of worse ways of going than at the poker table.

One of my favorite poker shows on television is 'Poker After Dark.'

Poker has the feeling of a sport, but you don't have to do push-ups.

I don't like uncertainty. I don't play poker. I don't like bluffing.

Poker would have never gotten on TV when we only had three networks.

The investing world is a little bit more multidimensional than poker.

You don't need a Ph.D. in mathematics to be a successful poker player.

Living in the past is a Jethro Tull album, not a smart poker strategy.

The beautiful thing about poker is that everybody thinks they can play.

In poker, you want to play the weaker guys. In chess, it's the opposite.

It wasn't a popular thing to be a professional poker player in the '80s.

Poker has such an element of competitivness that other games don't have.

But when I will call it a day, I could become a professional poker player.

I don't know if I'm a writer who plays poker or a poker player who writes.

Models are interested in me, mostly because of my 'bad boy of poker' image.

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