Wisdom, compassion, and courage are the three universally recognized ...

Wisdom, compassion, and courage are the three universally recognized moral qualities of men.

I have not been recognized.

I don't really get recognized.

We ask to be recognized as men.

Everyone wants to be recognized.

I'm shocked at being recognized.

I really don't get recognized much.

Over time, I've been more recognized.

Friends are not made, but recognized.

I often get recognized on the street.

I'm recognized, let me put it that way.

I get recognized a lot now. It's great.

I usually get recognized for Spaceballs.

It's nice to be recognized in the street.

I don't want my writing to be recognized.

I do get recognized every once in a while.

I'm always surprised when I get recognized.

I hate being recognized; I hate it, hate it.

I do get recognized, more and more every day.

It's always a shock to me when I get recognized.

Marriage: A friendship recognized by the police.

Good music will always be recognized in the end.

If I walk in the street in Korea, I am recognized.

I can't go anywhere without being recognized. I'm.

I really never get recognized at all for anything.

I get recognized more for my tattoos than my face.

I think most of my life I have not felt recognized.

I'd like my writing to be recognized with a Grammy.

Yes, I do get recognized in public. It's pretty nice.

I enjoy being recognized whatever environment I'm in.

I get recognized, but I'm not really a famous famous.

I've never sought to be known or recognized by people.

It's really fun to get recognized for 'Step Brothers.'

Usually I get recognized for The Blue Lagoon or Dallas.

I get recognized all the time, but not as Haley Bennett.

I not only get recognized - I get recognized from behind.

The inner reality of love can be recognized only by love.

It's terrible when I go somewhere, and I'm not recognized.

It just feels good to be recognized, especially by RuPaul.

It's always a good feeling to be recognized for something.

When I'm in New York and L.A., I get recognized a lot more.

If and when I do get recognized, it's because of 'Get Out.'

When I get recognized, every time feels like the first time.

In the blues, it just takes so long for us to get recognized.

Individuals are complex and deserve to be recognized as such.

I get recognized at the airport and at the malls in Colorado.

Man became free when he recognized that he was subject to law.

No, I'm not recognized in London. What would people recognize?

God didn't design anyone to be recognized by 2 billion people.

Without doubt, you are recognized for the last role you played.

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