I trusted him. I put what was precious in Haymitch's hands. & he has betrayed me

I don't know how to make people like me. Cinna, how do you make people like you?

It crosses my mind that Cinna's calm and normal demeanor masks a complete madman.

It's your own fault for being so camera-ready," I tell Gale. If looks could kill.

Let the Seventy-forth Hunger Games begin, Cato, I think. Let them begin for real.

And to us, we're more married than any piece of paper or big party could make us.

You'll never be able to let him go. You'll always feel wrong about being with me.

It takes ten times as long to put yourself back together as it does to fall apart.

Oh, my dear Miss Everdeen. I thought we had an agreement not to lie to each other.

I drag myself out of nightmares each morning and find there's no relief in waking.

Orange? Like Effie's hair?" I say. "A bit more muted," he says. "More like sunset.

You know, I think this is the first time we've ever done anything normal together.

I don’t want anyone with me today. Not even him. Some walks you have to take alone.

But just the fact that he was sparkling leads me to doubt everything that happened.

The Eleventh Plague hits disturbingly close to home An excellent, taut debut novel.

No one will forget me. Not my look, not my name. Katniss. The girl who was on fire.

Why? Do you find this" - he strikes a ridiculously provocative pose - "distracting?

I noticed just about every girl, but none of them made a lasting impression but you.

Yes, and I’m sure the arena will be full of bags of flour for me to chuck at people.

And she's my fiancee. So if you want to get to him, expect to go through both of us.

An ability to look into the confusing mess of life and see things for what they are.

Who says i can't handle it? I can handle it," said Gregor obviously not handling it.

But Gale is not one to keep secrets from me. "Katniss, there is no District Twelve."

Oh, that I do know...Katniss will pick whoever she thinks she can't survive without.

its not in my nature to go down without a fight even when things seem insurmountable

I always channel my emotions into my work. That way, I don't hurt anyone but myself.

Remember, we're madly in love, so it's all right to kiss me anytime you feel like it.

‎I'm not going anywhere. I'm going to stay right here and cause all kinds of trouble.

Just because people starve in a book, doesn't mean that we will starve in the future.

Well, I don't have much competition here." "You don't have much competition anywhere.

You never know. Say the arena's actually a giant cake-" "Say we move on," I broke in.

Yeah, we wouldn't want to lose our little Mockingjay when she's finally begun to sing.

The awful thing is that if i can forget they're people, it will be no different at all

Let me go!” I snarl at him, trying to wrest my arm from his grasp. “I can’t,” he says.

How did Rue end up on that stage with nothing but the wind offering to take her place?

He hates me more," says Peeta. "I don't think people in general are his sort of thing.

As coal pressured into pearls by our weighty existence. Beauty that arose out of pain.

If I get home, I'll be so stinking rich, I'll be able to pay someone to do my hearing.

I reach out to touch his cheek and he catches my hand and presses it against his lips.

Something small and quiet, like a match being struck, lights up the gloom inside of me.

Star-crossed lovers desperate to get home together. Two hearts beating as one. Romance.

So, in a way, my name being drawn in the reaping was a real piece of luck," says Peeta.

I have zero interest in these Capitol people. They are only distractions from the food.

The heat of the bread burned into my skin, but I clutched it tighter, clinging to life.

I don't know what it is with Finnick and bread, but he seems obsessed with handling it.

Enobaria smiles at Johanna. 'Don't look so smug,' says Johanna. 'We'll kill you anyway.

And don't you let your guard down for a second because you think anything's inevitable.

What will break me into a million pieces so that I am beyond repair, beyond usefulness?

Winning means fame and fortune. Losing means certain death. The Hunger Games have begun.

I try to forgive her for my father's sake. But to be honest, I'm not the forgiving type.

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