Never has interest in art been so high, and never has quality been so ...

Never has interest in art been so high, and never has quality been so low.

While we are under the tyranny of Priests, it will ever be their ...

While we are under the tyranny of Priests, it will ever be their interest, to invalidate the law of nature and reason, in order to establish systems incompatible therewith.

Trends don't interest me.

No conflict, no interest.

Reality doesn't interest me.

The whole universe interest me.

Simple things don't interest me.

Secrets interest us all, I think.

I remember only what interests me.

Whatever interests is interesting.

Design does not really interest me

Interest is the invention of Satan.

My personality doesn't interest me.

I have an interest in the outsider.

Ordinary life does not interest me.

I'd like to lose interest in myself.

Anything simple always interests me.

Extra interest signifies extra risk.

Grey zones do not interest me at all.

France has no friends, only interests.

Interest is a terrible thing to waste.

Interest is the barometer of the state.

To feel controlled is to lose interest.

Worry is interest paid before it's due.

The cost of leadership is self-interest.

It's always the story that interests me.

We need time to lose interest in things.

I think Veblen had an interest in logic.

The U.S. has no friends, only interests.

Great interests demand great safeguards.

Government is not a warfare of interests.

The state is captive to vested interests.

I will advocate for Kentucky's interests.

I don't have a strong interest in history.

Today everything's a conflict of interest.

I lost interest in being in the public eye.

It's the irrational things that interest me.

I have absolutely zero interest in politics.

Animals interest me more than anything else.

The good is not a category that interests me.

Self interest determines loyalty or betrayal.

Compound interest is proof of gods existence.

I have only interest in things I could drink.

Ideal legislators do not vote their interests.

Talk in terms of the other person's interests.

I didn't have any interest in traditional art.

My parents did not have any interest in music.

Everything interests me, but nothing holds me.

I have a long-term interest in the humanities.

A man who limits his interests limits his life.

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