Beauty is only skin deep.

Her skin tasted expensive.

Her skin was white as leprosy.

Beauty is more than skin deep.

I know you even under the skin.

Your skin's so fair its not fair

Now you wear your skin like iron

Colour is the skin of the world.

A thick skin is a gift from God.

You are God's dream with skin on

I love the smell of a mans skin.

I love you more than my own skin.

Under your skin the moon is alive.

The wolf must die in his own skin.

Under the skin, intense fires burn.

He's so small, he's a waste of skin.

I'd rather bare skin than wear skin.

Magic should get under people's skins.

You have to develop a very thick skin.

I'm very uncomfortable in my own skin.

Like beauty, stardom too is skin-deep.

we shed the skins of who we used to be!

Obedience to authority saves many skins

Around your skin, I tie and untie mine.

It's a sin problem, not a skin problem.

Redd shed caution like an outgrown skin.

I have a thick skin, but I have a heart.

Law has no skin, reason has no nostrils.

Some of these people make my skin crawl.

You've got to be happy in your own skin.

A man can be honest in any sort of skin.

The term 'celebrity' makes my skin crawl.

I've got thick skin and an elastic heart.

Wear your heart on your skin in this life.

I barely knew I had skin before I met you.

There’s blood beneath every layer of skin.

We eat light, drink it in through our skins

The skin you're in makes choices for you...

Between skin and skin, there is only light.

I felt the breath of God go cold on my skin.

I'm a good skin, natural makeup kind of gal.

The fox changes his skin but not his habits.

The heart never knows the colour of the skin

Negroid traits, dark skin, flat, thick nose.

Develop a skin as thick as a rhinoceros hide!

A people's speech is the skin of its culture.

Your hearts are mighty, your skins are whole.

Beautiful makeup, starts with beautiful skin.

Americanism is not a matter of skin or color.

The human being is a skin-covered petrie dish.

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