If truth is beauty, how come no one has their hair done in the ...

If truth is beauty, how come no one has their hair done in the library?

I belong to Bridegrooms Anonymous. Whenever I feel like getting ...

I belong to Bridegrooms Anonymous. Whenever I feel like getting married, they send over a lady in a housecoat and hair curlers to burn my toast for me.

I don't wash my hair.

Tease hair, not homos!

My hair is my identity.

My hair is my protection.

Red hair stigmatizes you.

Even one hair has a shadow.

My best feature is my hair.

Short films don't go too far.

Hair is another name for sex.

My fans want me with my hair.

I'm not about hair and makeup.

I have a short attention span.

Hair has always been important.

Teach like your hair's on fire!

Home is anywhere I hang my hair

Age whitens hairs, but not sin.

Gray hairs are death's blossoms.

I have no detectable hair style.

Red hair is my life long sorrow.

You have to keep your long hair.

What is that hair? So yesterday.

I pitch like my hair is on fire.

Fashions fade, style is eternal.

A pin has a head, but has no hair

Candy Crowley's hair is PERFECT!!

I'm a big woman. I need big hair.

I still got my hair, I'm not fat.

I base all my characters on hair.

Hair growing out every hole in me.

My hair turned gray when I was 24.

I've had some real hair disasters.

When you see fair hair Be pitiful.

Gorgeous hair is the best revenge.

Lady gagas "hair" is my theme song.

Beauty draws us with a single hair.

A lady's hair is her crowning glory

hopes dance best on bald men's hair

The beautiful uncut hair of graves.

All diseases run into one, old age.

God is dead but my hair is perfect.

Even a single hair casts its shadow.

red hair is caused by sugar and lust.

No hair so small but hath his shadow.

I think women hide behind their hair.

I wish the fire burned my leg hair off

Maybe's he's just jealous I have hair.

I had long hair when I was a teenager.

Take care and spike your hair. WWWYKI!

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