It could be....Giant Baba!

I am a giant squid of anger.

I'd like to be a giant enabler.

I'd love to go to a Giants game.

I'm surfing the giant life wave.

Humility is the mother of giants.

I stand on the shoulders of giants.

Your brain is like a sleeping giant.

I always want to take on the giants.

When giants fought, ants were crushed.

Basketball, man: it is a land of giants.

Starlet sex scandal. Giant squid involved.

I get more ass than a giant donkey stable.

Through you, we feel as giants, once again.

XML is a giant step in no direction at all.

Rodeo Drive is a giant butterscotch sundae.

Me, personally, I was a Mets and Giants fan.

I've always wanted to be a giant space crab.

I am kind of giant … on (the True Blood) set.

No rain but thunder, and the sound of giants.

No matter who you are, you have a giant self.

The work for serve well the guns!

An ellipsis is a giant ocean of possibilities.

I've always been told I have a giant placenta.

We hated the Giants. We just hated the uniform.

With books we stand on the shoulders of giants.

If I was traded to the Giants, I'd quit baseball

The giant imaginary bottle of whiskey is with me.

Indifference is the invisible giant of the world.

You know, I am a Leo. Lion is a giant part of me.

Is nature a giant cat? If so, who strokes its back?

I want to be a New York Giant for a very long time.

A man isn't tiny or giant enough to defeat anything.

A giant thirst is a great joy when quenched in time.

Yankee Stadium is a mistake: Not mine - the Giants'.

I was being chased by a giant crab. That's not funny.

Bureaucracy is a giant mechanism operated by pygmies.

The Giants have a great organization, great fan base.

Physically, man is a dwarf; mentally, man is a giant!

The American political system is a giant bureaucracy.

I am one of the lucky ones, to work with comic giants.

Make no more giants, God!But elevate the race at once!

What is equality of rights between a giant and a dwarf?

Many of us are confessional giants but ethical midgets.

Who's not a fan of Don Williams? He's the gentle giant.

Each of us wrestles with the dark giant in our own way.

I'm a messenger. I'm one piece of a giant jigsaw puzzle.

It's one giant Bowflex commercial covered in booze vomit.

I like LA because it has a giant supply of great comedians.

Giants. We must face them. Yet we need not face them alone.

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