Yeah, I'm a Leo.

Do I do yoga? Yeah.

Yeah? For what paper?

Yeah, I'm very smart.

Yeah, I like to gamble.

Yeah, I'm an open book.

Do I make mistakes? Yeah.

Yeah, I love Los Angeles.

Yeah. Floyd is his batman.

Yeah, that's a good point.

I am a football fan, yeah.

Yeah, I loved Ray Bradbury.

I have a sweet tooth, yeah.

Yeah, I am a character actor.

I still dislike phones, yeah!

Yeah, I'm a spiritual person.

Hell, yeah! Meeting adjourned!

Yeah, I try to be really calm.

Yeah, writers do hate writing.

Oh, I love horror movies, yeah.

Yeah, I have a tough-girl image.

Am I a rock star? Yeah, I guess.

I'm still driving a Prius, yeah.

Yeah, spray tans are not for me.

Yeah, I am pretty sure of myself.

I enjoy watching basketball, yeah.

Yeah I took the spot she gone POOF

Sometimes "Yes" is rhetoric enough.

Yeah, I actually do know where I am.

No-Drama Obama? Yeah, that's not me.

I think I'm a romantic person, yeah.

Yeah, I was always a big fan of noir.

Yeah, I love Ethereum. I love coding.

Yeah, snakes. They're my fear factor.

I'll fight every weekend - hell yeah.

Yeah, my family is of Indian heritage.

Yeah, after each of my downhill putts.

Yeah, I'm not really a morning person.

Yeah, I can dig that... SUCKAAAAAAAAAA!

I think I am my own biggest critic, yeah.

Yeah! I went to the set of Monuments Men.

Yeah, I did roller derby for three years.

Yeah I grew up on the Westside of Detroit.

Yeah, they let me do whatever I wanted to.

Oh yeah, I'm an Essex boy and proud of it.

Do I love you? Yeah, God help you, but I do

Yeah, I've gotten a few letters from prison.

Yeah, that's right. Flee in terror, bitches!

Yeah, I'm the go-to guy for Mexican priests.

Did I feel naked being naked? Yeah. Totally.

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