I'm not one for a lot of media attention.

I'm not really satisfied. I've done all right, but there's room for improvement.

I read a lot of Socrates in the off-season. Don't print that, or it'll ruin my rep.

It's so much easier when you've got guys on base and the whole offense is clicking.

I hated farm work. I always got stuck with the jobs my father and brother didn't want to do.

I've been streaky throughout my career, but I've been trying to become a more consistent hitter.

If I'm asked to play first, I should be ready. It's nice to be in the lineup, regardless of where you're at.

It's nice when you put in a lot of hard work and you're recognized and a few people appreciate what you've done.

North Dakota is a great state. Everybody is real supportive up there. I couldn't ask for a better place to call home.

If you work hard, good things will happen. I will never be in a situation where if I fail I can look back and say, 'If I'd only worked harder.'

When you get to the big leagues, you need to take potential and turn it into performance. You want to be the guy who got the most out of his ability, not the guy who never fulfilled his potential.

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