Marriage is long enough to have plenty of room for time behind it.

Marriage is long enough to have plenty of room for time behind it.

My cage has many rooms.

Books do furnish a room.

Rooms should be timeless.

Live in rooms full of light.

She a patient waitin in my room

I play in a lot of empty rooms.

Pride leaves no room for grace.

Hey, is this room out of bounds?

Fortunately, I like hotel rooms.

I'm welding the bimbo room shut.

Acceptance is a small quiet room.

Porches are America's lost rooms.

There is not room to swing a cat.

Infinite riches in a little room.

I'm definitely an elbow-room guy.

What a house - nothin' but rooms!

Pain is a new room in your house.

Time is not a road - it is a room.

The house of magic has many rooms.

I am plenty lonely in hotel rooms.

More pianos in hotel rooms please.

The world has no room for cowards.

When I walk into the room, I own it!

I think there's always room to grow.

All artists need a room of their own

I don't like people cleaning my room.

The film is made in the editing room.

Quite like old times,' the room says.

When I open my mouth, the room rings.

The work has to have room to breathe.

Atheism has no room for human rights.

There is always room for coincidence.

There's plenty of room at the bottom.

I wanted to make room for antiheroes.

My hair walks into a room before I do.

Your room is not your prison. You are.

Fear is the cheapest room in the house.

Death is the room that is always empty.

A woman's gifts will make room for her.

Sometimes film kills the room to dream.

Room service. You like me fluff pillow?

Mediocrity is the elephant in the room.

There wasn't room to swing a cat there.

I like to give my actors a lot of room.

You have to leave room in life to dream.

I have a heart with room for every joy .

I've had fans break into my hotel rooms.

There is no room in baseball for a clown.

There is no room for communists in Kenya.

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