My wife is very supportive.

My parents were very supportive.

My mother was always supportive.

I have a super supportive family.

I've had very supportive teammates.

Love is being constantly supportive.

Country radio has been so supportive.

My wife is incredibly supportive of me.

I have an incredibly supportive family.

My mama's been supportive since day one.

Geffen was never supportive of the band.

My dad's supportive of all my endeavors.

My friends back home are very supportive.

My parents are very supportive and proud.

I like to be supportive and a role model.

My fans have been so sweet and supportive.

My family is very supportive, lucky for me.

My parents have always been very supportive.

My parents have always been super supportive.

I grew up in a really supportive environment.

I would say that my parents were supportive of me.

I have the best fans, who have been so supportive.

Actors are actually very supportive of each other.

Los Angeles has always been very supportive of us.

My demographic of people have been very supportive.

My parents were the best. They were very supportive.

Obama himself has been highly supportive of Mubarak.

My parents are really supportive of everything I do.

My family, my city, everyone has been so supportive.

My parents are supportive of me, whatever school I go to.

My father has always been supportive of my individuality.

I think, the people around home are very supportive to us.

A lot of New Jerseyans... have been very supportive of me.

A lot of artists have really been supportive over the years.

The theater community is so incredible, kind, and supportive.

Everyone around me, they are very supportive of my adventures.

The environment at Fox has been very supportive for Mr. Ailes.

My mum is an artist. I guess that helps; she's very supportive.

It's nice to have a lot of people supportive of what I'm doing.

The judges have been so supportive and amazing even after 'Idol.'

I'm so blessed to have family that's so supportive of my choices.

My father is very supportive of anything that his kids want to do.

I have the most supportive parents and family in the entire world.

It is just more rewarding to do things in a supportive environment.

My mother is the most supportive mother in the world, she's magical.

I am fully supportive of the strategy and leadership team at Valeant.

My parents have always been supportive of whatever I've wanted to do.

I've been very supportive of the Islanders. I'm at every home opener.

My parents have been really supportive right from the very beginning.

But guys such as Allen and William are more supportive than most men.

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