Champions have no off-season.

During the off-season, I go to the movies almost every day.

Transfer speculation during the off-season does spur you on.

I'm the type of person who loves to stay busy, even in my off-season.

What you do in the off season determines what you do in the regular season.

I read a lot of Socrates in the off-season. Don't print that, or it'll ruin my rep.

I do a bit of boxing in the off-season to stay fit - it's a different kind of fitness.

I've tried a lot of things in the off-season, but the only thing I really know is baseball.

Wrestling is just a different beast. There is no off-season in WWE. It's week in and week out.

During the off-season, I try to increase my practice sessions, and I am also training with my coaches.

We don't have an off-season. Every other sport has an off-season. It just goes to show how tough we are.

The best part about Maui is that I can spend a lot of time outside. My off-season is April, May, and June.

The last thing I want to do, even in the off-season, is traipse around shops looking for clothes: it's not my thing.

When you're working on a television series, you only get a very short off-season. The scheduling of TV is relentless.

Football has an off-season. Basketball has an off-season. TV has an off-season. Everything has an off-season except wrestling.

I don't like running that much, and during the off-season, I have to do it, but if I can replace it with tennis, it is better.

It's a different mind-set going into the off-season as a starter. The uncertainty from the team is gone, and your confidence grows.

To be completely honest, I am obsessed with Formula 1 so in the off-season I would like to have just a few more races to still race in F1.

During the off-season I like to travel, go places and learn different cultures. But during the season it's a lot of shows, movies and sleep.

I've always kind of had a deal with my wife where, in the off-season, I'm kind of clean-shaven, and during the season just kind of let it go.

I am a family man, and I have to find my priorities. During the season, it is to race. During the off-season, it is to spend time with my family.

I know sometimes in the off-season I have to motivate myself to get on the ice because I know there's so long until the competitions begin again.

Nobody wants to see teams out of contention showcased in December and January. I'm sure this is something that will be discussed again this off-season.

The American professional schedule gives players a six-month off-season, so many of us have become pickup regulars while training without an organized team.

Some guys get by on natural athletic ability. And then when they reach a certain point, they got to put in the time before and after practice and in the off-season.

NFL, NBA, they all have off-seasons. Wrestling doesn't have an off-season. We're on the road 209 days out of the year, performing in different cities every single night.

In the off-season, I train twice a day, five times a week with my trainer. Then, there's always massages and neuromuscular therapy worked in there as well on different days.

I just think overall a lot of it has to do with conditioning and players putting in the time and the effort in the off-season to keep themselves in condition for 12 months a year.

I really like to bike outdoors and love the weight-based workouts that I do. I am not the biggest fan of other cardio-based workouts. Off-season cardio sessions are pretty grueling.

I was a baseball player and a football player at Stanford, so I didn't play a lot of golf in college. I really started playing a lot after I turned pro and I had some time in the off-season.

I feel like the off-season, for me, is not about getting on court and trying to improve or get better. I want to completely step away from the game and, like, really just enjoy my time at home.

I don't spend the whole off-season in Venezuela. I spend a couple of weeks in Cleveland, go to Florida, take my son to Disney World. But I still have my home, and my whole family lives in Venezuela.

I have one. I may get another during the off-season, I might get my son's name but I'm not sure yet. The one I have is my Hebrew name, which I share with my grandfather, and it's not the best tattoo.

The real preparation for races is done in the off-season. I put in the hard work during the summer and fall, and I'm always working on technique so that when the actual races come around I'm ready to go.

In terms of theater, I would love to go back to do theater. If I could find something for me to do that fits in with the 'Psych' off-season, I'm game. I would like to do theater where I get to act and dance.

I never did work in the off-season, and I never did play winter ball or anything else. I think it was good for me to get away after a full season... In those days, I don't think anyone ever got too complacent.

I think the real reason for my improvement is because I had such a long period in the off-season just working as hard as I could on all my new dives; making sure I did lots of repetition to get them consistent.

My favourite place to train is in Hattiesburg, Mississippi, where I train with my aunt and sister during the off-season. It is basically a flat, grassy area by the side of the road where we have made a path to run on.

I played high school football at a hundred and eighty-five pounds and played big league baseball at a hundred and eighty-two. I'd get up to maybe 188 in the off-season because every summer I'd lose eight to ten pounds.

Luckily enough for me I reached a level in the game where no one questioned my work ethic or my ability and then I was like, I don't care. Every off-season I might do a scene in a TV show or something just to keep that going.

Unfortunately, our sport has a weight limit, so every season, I have to lose weight. You just get tired of not eating the way you want to eat, so in the off-season, I'll binge and gain a few pounds and then have to lose them back.

I work out four days a week in the off-season, and in the warm, running weather months, I do five days. A push/pull regime of weightlifting, cycling, and the occasional Saturday or Sunday run with my oldest son, even if it's cold out.

I had a lot of success in big tournaments as well - won Masters Series in Rome - so a lot of things are coming together. I've done a lot of hard work in the off-season. A lot of physical work, a lot of work on my serve and on my return game.

I was doing Hamlet in the off-season, and I had a specific idea in my mind about what I wanted that character to look like, and because it's going to lead into the next year, I knew that it was going to have to be established somewhere in the show.

I trained for size in the off-season, but when it came time to get ready for a contest it was all about coming in shredded. The glutes must be striated, with the lower back shredded, no water anywhere, no loose skin. Like you are covered in cling-film.

During the off-season when you see other people playing in the Super Bowl, you wonder, and you say to yourself, 'Are you ever gonna get there and see what it feels like?' And it pushes you a little bit harder during that off-season to work to try to get there the following year.

I can work every day of the year. TV is easy. My call's at 8:30 a.m. I'd like to break out of the comedy thing and take a shot at something serious like theater. The off-season allows me to do movies, but I'm not tired of TV yet. There's nothing like it. I've got the best of both worlds.

When you see players coming into the new season with injuries and already carrying strapping on various parts of their bodies in January, then it only serves to highlight how hard the sport is and how demanding the schedule can be. There really isn't an off-season and that's the nature of the beast.

My best artist friend is definitely Jason Aldean. He and I really get along great and are really great friends. It's fun to tour with a buddy and somebody that I just enjoy hanging out with. If we weren't touring together, we'd be hunting in the off-season still and knocking around doing stuff, certainly.

Acting is an incredibly gratifying, creative experience when you're doing it. But in the off-season, you want to scratch that itch, and writing has become that to me. It's a really pure form of creativity. It's good for my mental health in the same way reading books is good for me. It makes the day brighter.

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