Cars are the sculptures of our everyday lives

Boredom is a concept that I don't understand.

The market needs a super car with no excuses.

Don't worry about people stealing your ideas.

Good design can't fix broken business models.

The computer industry is creatively bankrupt.

One person's car is another person's scenery.

I wear mascara sometimes, a little lip gloss.

Getting to the heart of things, is never easy

I think people should look cute all the time.

It's all a game, with new rules every season.

I don't believe in doing collections anymore.

A great magazine is sort of a net for ability.

Cars are the sculptures of our everyday lives.

To create, one must first question everything.

That's my job. To imagine harder than you can.

Any color works if you push it to the extreme.

I have this mental sickness called creativity.

I would do fragrance. I'm a fragrance fanatic.

I rarely agree with what clients ask me to do.

One great building does not make a great city.

I don't want the iPod to be my defining thing.

If you have to fear something, fear mediocrity.

The future projects light, the past only clouds

I like Yorkshire Tea - very strong and English.

People always identify a vehicle on the grille.

You know what? Starting a car company is risky.

Difficult situations breed astonishing results.

If something is not good enough, stop doing it.

I spend a frightening amount of money on books.

If you acquire things, you have to let them go.

Fantasy hats give you the possibility to dream.

Customers are very demanding and well informed.

Architecture is not about space but about time.

If you're not having fun, you're doing it wrong.

Forget all you know & learn something every day.

Daikatana will be the greatest game of all time.

I live way out in the country, in truck-country.

The game-playing market today is pretty sizable.

Competitions are what you do as a good exercise.

Every memorial in its time has a different goal.

People who are over-educated become risk-averse.

I'm driven by issues, not driven to be political.

war is not just a victory or loss ... People die.

If design is the first signal of human intention.

My favourite authors include Trollope and Dickens.

Life involves other people and it is a compromise.

In design, be logical, search for truth, be clear.

Warmth isn't what minimalists are thought to have.

I think that sexiness should be in the subtleties.

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