Microsoft has no SQL Server developers. We have only Azure developers.

I want to see us remain convinced that software matters in the future.

It takes me exactly a minute and a half to get dressed in the morning.

Anyone with a pension or retirement is an investor in the stock market.

You need a plan for yourself, just like you need a plan for a business.

In Delicious's case, it's a great brand that belongs in Silicon Valley.

As long as I can remember, I was drawing or trying to create something.

We can't do without government, but we do need it to be more effective.

I think that the best companies are companies that have a real purpose.

I have to put people in the right spot so that if they execute, we win.

It's urgent that companies tell their own stories on digital platforms.

Video is crucial to the future of media: premium video in that respect.

Work is either fun or drudgery. It depends on your attitude. I like fun.

The first step to problem solving is figuring out who's got the problem.

There is no substitute for hard work when it comes to achieving success.

Give me snuff, whiskey, and Swedes, and I will build a railroad to hell.

If you want to spend weekends with your family, something's got to give.

When Yelp first took off, our rankings on Google would fluctuate wildly.

The thing we learned the most with the Xbox is the Xbox Live experience.

It's a funny habit to write encyclopedia entries. It's not a mass taste.

I think a platform such as YouTube has to respect local laws and customs.

If you don’t use your voice, there’s someone waiting behind you who will.

Focus on things that are small enough to change, but big enough to matter

The main professional responsibility of a person in business is business.

My day starts at 4:30 A.M., and I sort of have two speeds: fast and stop.

I do not work for the shareholder, to be honest. I work for the customer.

So I think instead of focusing on the competition, focus on the customer.

International alliances reduce the cost of developing cars significantly.

Education and prevention are not enough when there is a culture of fraud.

To see how YouTube has become part of pop culture, it's been just amazing.

I think the biggest area of growth is going back to our galactic heritage.

The Lord has never spoken to me, but I feel Chick-fil-A has been His gift.

One of the hardest things to do when you launch a channel is find a voice.

Planning a garden, park, building, or city shouldn't be done in an office.

The passenger train is like the male teat - neither useful nor ornamental.

I'll be very clear about this: I'm not a fan of getting rid of Dodd-Frank.

A neighbor is a far better and cheaper alternative to government services.

Government is like a vast ocean and politics is the six-inch layer on top.

As a society, we haven't spent as much time building the citizen Internet.

I mean, I've been in a very male-dominated industry from a very young age.

Nike believes in a world where everyone celebrates the power of diversity.

The best advertising should make you nervous about what you're not buying.

'Scorpion' has so much humor and so much heart and a great deal of action.

Rob Doherty has been a real superstar for us on 'The Mentalist' for years.

Have very frequent talks with employees because they are your best allies.

The more you live it, the more sustainable your business approach becomes.

If we guarantee employment for some, we jeopardize employment for everyone.

I am a fairly go-with-the-flow guy. Don't get me wrong, I have convictions.

Arsenal are a great team. But we lifted the trophy eight times in 11 years.

If you say three things in a row that make sense, people will vote for you.

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