When people know what you want, they will give it to you.

The politics of Europe is unimaginative and bureaucratic.

I love working with athletes. They're all very demanding.

To some extent, being an entrepreneur is a lonely journey.

It takes a long time to build democracy, to build freedom.

My eldest son, Jack, grew up with me as a 'part-time' dad.

I'm not as involved in every little thing as I used to be.

There is nothing to be embarrassed about being profitable.

White lies always introduce others of a darker complexion.

Your job as CEO is to be the fastest person of the company.

In general, the PC's always had a fairly decent tie to GDP.

Google has a great product. They've built a great business.

It is never safe to look into the future with eyes of fear.

Do your job brilliantly and the cream will rise to the top.

We're not going to fix government until we fix citizenship.

If you're an MTV fan, you like all the stuff that's on MTV.

I have worked in the media/content business my entire life.

Many businesses understand the advantages of gender parity.

Companies are the first to see the costs of climate change.

I don't want to conquer North America. I only want a share.

Work is underway to select the go forward smartphone brand.

I've received many good pieces of advice throughout my life.

A dog's idea of personal grooming is to roll on a dead fish.

When we empower women, society benefits, grows, and thrives.

The lesson of the Internet is that no audience is too small.

As I've always said, McLaren exists to win, and win we will.

Every opportunity I got, I took it as a learning experience.

I don't want to fight old battles. I want to fight new ones.

I believe men and women should get equal pay for equal work.

People care about our digital revenue, not our print revenue.

Steve Jobs was Apple; Sir Alex Ferguson is Manchester United.

I think Brexit is disappointing from an economic perspective.

In order to succeed... you have to put a stake in the ground.

Cities perform most functions in a very Industrial Age model.

You can only win the 'war' with ideas, not with spending cuts

I love to watch documentaries on The History Channel and TLC.

I am very grateful for the opportunities I have been afforded.

Moving with the times is an important idea for strategy today.

I never want anyone to have a bad evening because I caused it.

We are driven by providing technology to enterprise customers.

We have been supporting GIS in schools for more than 25 years.

I was telling the truth. I feel like we got that point across.

CBS is the largest out-of-home advertising company in the U.S.

I think Latin has some logic to it and there was a discipline.

I look at building business as a creative process that I enjoy.

I think the blood is spilling in Syria and it's mostly Muslims.

Watches are the only jewelry men can wear, unless you're Mr. T.

There's no question that consumers are looking for value today.

Don't ever walk by a wilting plant. Get water on it right away.

When one neighbor helps another, we strengthen our communities.

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