Bill Viola is worth ten Scorseses.

Provoke the unexpected. Expect it.

Western music is alien to my ears.

Film is a machine: you never stop.

I would like to do a sports movie.

Everybody has their black moments.

There's no money in documentaries.

I always liked strange characters.

Every film starts with the script.

I never really learned photography.

Revenge is sweet and not fattening.

Americans are hidden dragons to me.

I don't lead a Hollywood lifestyle.

I grew up around jazz. I love jazz.

I'm in the communications business.

A dolly move is a moral commitment.

The right time is always right now.

Freedom is not having a big budget.

There is no new wave, only the sea.

I'm not wild about hand-held shots.

When not working, my days are lazy.

I prefer periods of peace and love.

Engineers turn dreams into reality.

Poetry is a game of loser-take-all.

Find that person that inspires you.

Revenge proves its own executioner.

Casting is 65 percent of directing.

A nerd will be a nerd all his life.

I am more lost in wonder than ever.

Without obsession, life is nothing.

I'm against escapist entertainment.

It's all about loving your parents.

I love to inspire and get inspired.

I so related to John Hughes movies.

You don't make pictures for Oscars.

I don't like being in houses alone.

I wish I could do everything in 3D.

Seeing the first edit is the worst.

My father was an extraordinary man.

Betrayal... is my favorite subject.

Horses are very difficult to shoot.

I steal from every movie ever made.

I've done my part to 'ruin' Austin.

Nobody makes movies bad on purpose.

I want to inspire, and be inspired.

I love cats. I've had cats as pets.

It's very difficult to be original.

I prefer working behind the camera.

I like to rehearse before blocking.

Man is a genius when he is dreaming.

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