I appreciate anything thoughtful.

I hate crap, I like craftsmanship

I'm addicted to cosmetic surgery!

I have very old-fashioned tastes.

I love mysticism - it's such fun.

I'm European, I wake up in heels.

I'm really good at growing roses.

I never let myself get desperate.

I like glamour. Not afraid of it.

Being nervous is a waste of time.

I absolutely love being a mother.

I'm a pretty organised traveller.

You can never lose a true friend.

I have a playlist for every mood.

Barack Obama is my American Idol.

Younger guys are just too jealous.

There's never too much you can do.

At 18 I was attracted to bad boys.

You shouldn't get breast implants.

I have had so much public support.

I made my million before I was 19!

I wanted to be a fashion designer.

I'd rather go naked than wear fur.

I am beyond logic and rationality.

I can wrap my legs around my neck.

I was always the weirdo at school.

Don't put down a deposit on worry.

I can have an androgynous quality.

I try to eat fruit and be healthy.

If you don't have passion, change.

I'm the oldest pretty face around.

Genuine happiness is hard to miss.

Don't believe everything you read.

My features are completely ethnic.

I have such a passion for theatre.

Fame is an interesting phenomenon.

So many cowboys....so little rope.

Don't shampoo your hair every day.

I just couldn't live without dogs.

Fashion should be stylish and fun.

Education is the key to the future.

I grew up on a dairy and beef farm.

The best beauty secret is sunblock.

There is no wrong way to be a woman

I take really good care of my body.

I realize you cant please everyone.

My parents never really lecture me.

I'm not white-picket-fence perfect.

I shaved my eyebrows in 10th grade.

I have a paralyzing fear of snakes.

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