Sometimes fact is stranger than fiction.

I feel like I'm the winner. I really do.

I always knew I wanted to have children.

I actually wanted to be a tennis player.

I'm a good blend of both my mom and dad.

I want my next girlfriend to be my wife.

I've always been obsessed by beef jerky.

The day of the press statement has gone.

I genuinely hit puberty before everyone.

Learning how to drive was a scary thing.

Anyone who can't say blank is deceitful.

Being in water makes me relax instantly.

Human dignity should be without borders.

My dad's supportive of all my endeavors.

I model jeans. You need a bum for those.

Get the mind right, the body will follow

I fell in love with a man, not a Beatle.

I'm so addicted to 'Homeland' right now.

I am really bad with cleaning my closet.

Let's see if I get myself with this one.

I think I'm too much of a control freak.

I used to waterski on the Niagara River.

I'd gone to Manhattan to become a model.

It's better to be skinny than to be fat.

My eye, though, is set on Miley [Cyrus].

Manners are really very important to me.

Hateful people put fear in other people.

Everything I do lands in the newspapers.

Animals are just as important as we are.

I've never been to the gym. I do nothing.

Bones inside clothes. That was war to me.

Diane Keaton was a big role model for me.

I'm much nicer in person than on Twitter.

Photoaging is the worst. It wreaks havoc.

I'm definitely different and I know that.

We don't live forever... Our legacy does.

They need a role model. They need a star!

I want to be kissed by the people I love.

I wish I'd gotten sober at a younger age.

Thank God for Redbull and fake eyelashes.

I am the living Barbie Doll, how are you?

It's so hard to diet because I love food.

You find your strengths and play them up.

If I wasn't Maryse... I would want to be.

I must have been a koala in my past life.

Get in front of a mirror, know your body.

Everyone has something unique about them.

I'm actually more confident when I'm tan.

Judging others blocks me from inner peace

I would play football, because I love it.

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