I've been banned from cutting my own fringe.

Never give up and always believe in yourself.

I love cooking. I love having friends around.

I don't think that youth should be glorified.

There are plenty of models who have children.

My father was a master of the cutting insult.

I don't remember ever having finished a book.

I have a really hard time finding good denim.

Most women find a man with good manners sexy.

I'm really into natural and organic products.

I'm pretty athletic, but I'm not very strong.

I didn't have a cup of coffee until I was 27.

Honestly... I only get starstruck over chefs.

I'm not telling people to go vegan overnight.

A pair of black Louboutin's... and that's it!

Yes, I am a lingerie model, but I have class.

I'm keeping my acerbic wit completely fueled.

True liars never love. True lovers never lie.

I like to experiment a lot and invent things.

Some Elvis music and a good cry always helps.

Marriage takes work - it doesn't just happen.

I don't use any makeup if I'm not doing work.

Food is my friend and consistency is the key.

All my Doctor's said I should become a model.

I've been avoiding journalists my whole life.

I had never binge-watched TV before 'Orange.'

My favorite area in Brooklyn is Williamsburg.

Balls in general are not a good looking item.

Nobody responds to being made to feel judged.

I'm a huge boxing and mixed martial arts fan.

I'm more of a jeans and T-shirt kind of girl.

Each inhale creates more space in our bodies.

If someone has a foot fetish, I'd have an in.

You have to believe in yourself and be strong.

For me, you have to have some kind of modesty.

Here in America, people are very professional.

At the end of the day, I only trust my family.

I was a hard rocker when I was in high school.

Most female models don't have any muscle mass.

Karl Lagerfeld and Tom Ford are both geniuses.

Of course, I'm not exactly the girl next door.

I look at the feminine body as a piece of art.

People are surprised that I can walk and talk.

I love the color black. I wear a lot of black.

I know what I want, and it's hard to delegate.

Are you trying to manipulate me? It's working.

I'm like half Brazilian and half American now.

Being engaged is absolutely a time to cherish!

I'm crazy about jewelry; swimwear and jewelry.

Stop trying to define who you are and just be.

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