My mother was my beauty icon my whole life.

When I'm home in New York, I box every day.

Never underestimate the power of the ocean.

I don't really care if they like me or not.

One day you're in. The next day you're out.

My passion for fashion borders on insanity.

I've always gotten along best with artists.

I'm a very lazy, stay-at-home kind of girl.

I try to manage my time to conserve energy.

I understand why my male followers like me.

I want to be riding with the Four Horsemen!

I wanted my closet to look like a boutique.

I represent luxury, and that's what I love.

I don't really like the whole pancake look.

I don't wear lipstick when I'm not at work.

Everyone in my family is a nurse except me.

My main thing is not eating processed food.

I love being photographed, I love the ramp.

I would do more film roles if I am invited.

I like real people - salt-of-the-earth men.

Why is partying and having a good time bad?

It's a great thing that yoga is so popular.

I feel more comfortable in saris than gowns.

Some styles don't look good on bigger women.

When I first met Hef, I was a co-ed at UCLA.

It should be fun, working out should be fun.

I don't eat celery. I eat raw milk, cheeses.

Discretion is the polite word for hypocrisy.

Spending time outdoors makes you feel great.

Wanting attention is genderless. It's human.

I'm very serious; I don't waste my earnings.

My dad has more sparkly stuff than most men.

I'm a curvy girl and that will never change.

I'm a walking billboard. That's my pleasure.

If I can't be beautiful, I'd rather just die

I have absolutely zero interest in politics.

Earlier this year I had my hair feng-shuied.

Well, I think mostly we're dressing for men.

I've dabbled in several different religions.

I need a spanking. They make me feel better.

I'm lucky, always hopeful... I love my life.

My family is the most important thing to me.

I'm happy people look at me as a role model.

I simply believe that food is a human right.

I became a specialist at comedic one-liners.

If you're a model, you're paid to be a muse.

Persistence is a secret weapon for everyone.

I used to love dogs until I discovered cats.

In fact, I don't read newspapers any longer.

Life is beautiful, enjoy every moment of it.

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