You can't rush inspiration.

I know,I can smell it, too.

The Devil's out of fashion.

Intelligence forbids tears.

I've got 911 on speed dial.

I do not believe in Belief.

Nothing ages like laziness.

Be glad. Be good. Be brave.

All's fair in love and war.

Cease, cows, life is short.

Kisses honeyed by oblivion.

Heiresses are never jilted.

Laughter is poison to fear.

Books are dead men talking.

Love is blind but not deaf.

Poetry is a dangerous gift.

I am a writer of fragments.

Let the dead bury the dead.

Survival is triumph enough.

Enough is equal to a feast.

Penny saved is a penny got.

My mother tongue is German.

I often don't read reviews.

You can't lie to your soul.

Joys divided are increased.

Always the tone of surpise.

We are not by nature cruel.

Obstinate, headstrong girl!

Hungry ears are sharp ones.

All wisdom ends in paradox.

Hold my hand. Don't let go.

My father taught only math.

A man's head is his castle.

My success is not who I am.

Fools fight; winners think.

Rich folk don't try so hard

Sad stories make good books

The real world is horrible.

Housekeeping ain't no joke.

Nothing fails like failure.

Thou hast seen nothing yet.

Delay always breeds danger.

Tomorrow will be a new day.

Consciousness is a disease.

I want you to be.... happy.

Love is cruel as the grave.

Great men always have dogs.

It is not a fragrant world.

Her face was her chaperone.

Free speech is life itself.

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