If we do not work for individual transformation, talking about world peace is just entertainment.

There's nothing worse than saying the past is in the past, then dragging it into your kid's life.

None of my ambitions were serious as a girl. One week I wanted to be a lawyer, the next a binman.

In order to be truly intelligent, computers must understand - that is probably the critical word.

Any time you get to compete for the championship in a professional spot, it's just a magic thing.

Being attached to someone is not about the other person. It is about your own sense of inadequacy.

There is no such thing as Dravidian ideology. Some people just made it up, maybe to win elections.

The possible is constantly being redefined, and I care deeply about helping humanity move forward.

Languages evolve; ideas blend together. In computer technology, we all stand on others' shoulders.

I am generally fascinated by what are the big, challenging questions - that's behind my curiosity.

To make real progress in A.I., we have to overcome the big challenges in the area of common sense.

The Divine is constantly waiting at your doorstep to move in if only you allow the necessary space.

Devotion is when your involvement with life is so absolute that you yourself do not matter anymore.

I'm not modern or ancient: I'm just contemporary. I'm sure every guru of his time was contemporary.

When the entire population of the world attains enlightenment, I'll retire and play golf every day.

Ram Rahim was not a spiritual leader but a lowgrade film star that the media enjoyed talking about.

I'm on Twitter, and I have over 10,000 followers. Which is pretty modest compared to Charlie Sheen.

Birds sing after a storm; why shouldn't people feel as free to delight in whatever remains to them?

I am not interested in politics at all. At home, around the dinner table, we never discuss politics.

Karma is your survival and your bondage. And if you handle it right, it can also be your liberation.

Life is fluid, ever evolving. The more dynamic you are, the more happens in your life, all the time.

If you seek security in life, unknowingly you seek death. The only truly secure place is your grave.

Whatever your goal in life, unless you develop a great urgency, what could be near will be far away.

It is not sex per se - your identification with the body is the impediment to your spiritual growth.

This is a technology where without external input, you create a chemistry of blissfulness within you.

[On her mother, who died when Hutton was 4:] I hardly remember her, but I have missed her all my life.

If you want to find out the purpose of life, you need to look beyond the limitations of body and mind.

"I want to change you" - that is not a revolution. "I'm willing to change" - now this is a revolution.

No two individuals are ever the same. You cannot equate people. You can only create equal opportunity.

Modern science has its value in terms of utility, but it cannot open up existence to human experience.

In this country, nobody should be talking about unemployment, as there is so much to be done in India.

There is no such thing as waste. It is just a question of whether we know how to use something or not.

It's true that looks do matter, but they won't give you a long, successful career or a happy marriage.

To my mind, there was no one in the world like my father. Wherever he was, there was magic in the air.

Meditation is a way of moving into the unlimited dimension of who you are - it is the ultimate freedom.

If you live your life burning for the highest possibility, in that burning itself, there is liberation.

The focus of education should not be on suppressive information but on kindling the thirst for knowing.

Vijji was not an accomplished yogi. She did what she did with just the sheer intensity of her emotions.

It's always interesting to bring scientists together, because they typically have very polarized views.

I tried to allow my children to take risks, to test themselves. Better broken bones than broken spirit.

It is my principle never to accept any donations from any government or any foreign funded organisation.

Meditation is an opportunity to move into a dimension where there is no such thing as stress within you.

The moment you ascribe who you are right now to what happened yesterday, you have written off your life.

Destiny is what every human being creates for oneself. Fate is when you fail to create your own destiny.

Only when you are absolutely devoted to what you do, can you produce something significant in the world.

Long periods can pass between the times you play for a championship, so you have to savor those moments.

The NBA is intense, but the NFL is a whole 'nother level of intensity and dramatic, game-changing plays.

In an ideal world, everybody would find it easy to talk to the press... but not everybody is so excited.

The unique thing about Stratolaunch - one of the unique things - is it doesn't require a fixed launchpad.

If I would expect better spiritual conditions to serve, I would not have started until the present moment.

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