Your dream, when you buy a sports franchise, is to win the championship, the Super Bowl.

Bhakti yoga is a way of transforming your emotion from negativity to utmost pleasantness.

Memory creates a hallucination of the past, desire creates a hallucination of the future.

You do not have to pursue something intensely; you as a being should become very intense.

Since the attack I have undergone over 250 operations to improve my physical functioning.

Some people can vent their anger, take a breath, and let it go, but I wasn't one of them.

Everyone's dream is to take a pill - take a pill every day so you won't have Alzheimer's.

As more intelligent computer assistance comes into being, it will amplify human progress.

You have to care for all beings created by God...My mission is to help any person in need.

The only regrets I have are rather prosaic - like I wish I went for a swim in the Pacific.

The brain is the most complex, challenging scientific puzzle we have ever tried to decode.

Our net worth is ultimately defined not by dollars but rather by how well we serve others.

Back to Microsoft days, I'm always looking for, 'OK, that's great, but what can go wrong?'

Aid the sick; thank the Divine Power for the state of equilibrium you are able to conserve.

To create something and not to be attached to what you have created is a spiritual process.

A spiritual process is not a divorce from life. It is an irrevocable love affair with life.

Responsibility means being able to respond to whatever situation you may face in your life.

If you walk through life with ease and without any sense of entanglement, that is maturity.

The purpose of life is to explore one's own life to its fullest, to explore all dimensions.

What was earth, we made into filth. We must at least be able to transform it back to earth.

All these years, I found that being a good wife for Jeb is my most important role, no doubt.

Pleasure is just a shadow of joy. When there is no joy in you, you become a pleasure seeker.

Every other creature on the planet is doing its best. Only human beings hesitate about that.

True compassion is not about giving or taking. True compassion is doing just what is needed.

It shouldn't be down to charities to be the sole help for those who fall through the cracks.

I'm so lucky that I've always been able to laugh about things, even at my very lowest times.

I'm trying to show people that they can activate their own passions and find their own path.

A child is a life that has not gone too far away from the Creator. Know a child to know life.

Intelligence essentially means that your intellect is sharp enough to see life the way it is.

This is something that everyone has to understand: you don't win anything on your reputation.

My father-in-law is so sensitive. Sometimes I think he displays too much love for my children.

If you care for people around you, you must make yourself into a person they enjoy being with.

Transformation means nothing of the old should remain; something absolutely new should happen.

Awareness means grasping life just the way it is, without contamination by mental projections.

Ganapati, the one with the human body and the head of a Gana, became a tremendous possibility.

A consecrated space experientially reminds you that there is much more to life than you think.

I think I've got such a diverse set of interests - movies, aviation, technology, sports teams.

The brain is one of the richest green fields of science. There's so much yet to be discovered.

People try to create an outwardly perfect life, but the quality of life is based on the inward.

If you knew the immensity of what it means to be human, you would not talk about God or Heaven.

It is not because there is God that devotion has come; because there is devotion, there is God.

I'm comfortable with anything that fits me well. Bad tailoring is what I am uncomfortable with.

If you listen to your body, your body will clearly tell you what kind of food it is happy with.

Any method to heighten the presence of that which is the source of creation within you, is yoga.

If you become so intensely curious that without knowing you cannot live, that is called seeking.

Devotion is a tool to dissolve yourself into nothingness and become the very hand of the Divine.

I do not understand why people want to control their minds. I want them to liberate their minds.

Even when you think things can never move forward and you feel so low, there's always a way out.

I work for the suffering of the common man, something I am very proud of and will continue to do.

When who you are and what you are is not decided by any external forces, then you are in dignity.

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