I never did any of things I was accused of. It was a total fabrication.

Finding a sponsor is the toughest part of racing, tougher than driving.

Train wreck, extremely fast train, but usually ends up derailed somehow.

I woke up this morning, and I still don't believe I won the Daytona 500.

I'm afraid that if I raced you on the street I'd push you to your death.

I don't know anyone who's started more consecutive Daytona 500s than me.

The thing I love about off-road racing is the pride in how abusive it is.

In a strange way, becoming a grandfather is like starting your life over.

Why did I take up racing? I was too lazy to work and too chicken to steal

Make your next car electric, put solar panels on your roof, and go vegan.

Hurry boys, hurry, we have to make a quick change or the hour will be up.

The only currency still used as a store of value after 5000 years is gold

It's not too good to have this attitude in F1. It could be a disadvantage.

I don't like to go over curbs, because I don't want to be hard on the car.

At this stage of the game, I am not sure what the hell is going to happen.

I'm a big Eminem fan, so I like listening to him. My wife doesn't, though.

I like the mentality of the Americans. It's like when you talk about money.

It's just all about opportunities, knocking doors down and see who answers.

I am a professional. At the circuit I am calm. At home I am very different.

Jack Roush is the only guy that could keep Matt Kenseth from winning races.

I think the penalties are grossly unfair. I think it's borderline shameful.

Alcohol is for drinking, gas is for cleaning parts, and nitro is for racing!

I'll fight like a wildcat until they nail the lid of my pine box down on me.

I was quite excited, but I was sure I wouldn't win the race. I am a realist.

In California, especially Northern California, the fans really cheer for me.

Dad taught me everything I know, but he would never tell me anything he knew.

Nobody remembers the guy who finished second but the guy who finished second.

The thing about failure is that you never know how close you were to success.

I would put my money on both my drivers to win if it came down a streetfight.

It wasn't all frustration. I've had a lot of good times with Ferrari as well.

I suck at golf and a variety of other things I go out and do with my friends.

If God had meant for us to walk, why did he give us feet that fit car pedals?

I have always had this mentality because I hated to break anything on the car.

Our priority as a team is to finish first and second, irrelevant of the order.

Richard Childress and myself have made some important innovations on our cars.

You need to say and do the right things and good things happen to good people.

I like good Mexican food, and there's not a lot of that around North Carolina.

For me I'm a NASCAR driver, and I want to be able to win NASCAR championships.

It's hard to drive at the limit, but it's harder to know where the limits are.

There are two things no man will admit he cannot do well: drive and make love.

I'd seen people overstay their welcome and I didn't want that to happen at all.

Being a broadcaster, man, you just sort of paint from a blank canvas, in a way.

The Dodge Charger in the late '70s at Daytona, that looked like an awesome car.

You must always strive to be the best, but you must never believe that you are.

Family is the most important thing. Family starts with your wife and your kids.

You have faith in who you are as a driver and stay strong when things go wrong.

The winner ain't the one with the fastest car. It's the one who refuses to lose.

Regardless of how I act, somebody is going to criticize me one way or the other.

When you cross the line and you've won the race, to me, it's an amazing feeling.

It's funny how the whole team gets quiet when you're about to win a Daytona 500.

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