There are so many shows out there, so you really need to work hard to separate yourself and cut through the static.

Sometimes the world is just out of our control and we like to blames ourselves so that we can make sense out of it.

I think I would be making a mistake to actively try and just do everything completely different from 'Gilmore Girls.

The nepotism there is the stuff of legend... It just seems to be a place where people get paid to sit in a building.

People are fascinated, for whatever reason, by human drama, and the idea that cameras are capturing ambient stories.

In every situation, no matter what first appears. Find the good that is always there, and change that fear to cheer.

I can't disappear. I come from a family of beautiful women, strong women - and 'strong' defined by being themselves.

When people are like, ''UnREAL' is so dark,' I'm like, 'Hahahahahahahahahaha! Wait 'til you get to 'Sharp Objects.''

When man invented fire, he didn't say, "Hey, let's cook." He said, "Great, now we can see naked bottoms in the dark.

The thing is, relationships never work out... until they do. You learn a lot from relationships that don't work out.

I think I would be making a mistake to actively try and just do everything completely different from 'Gilmore Girls.'

I've always been fascinated by Disneyland and Disney World, and my favorite part of the park was always Tomorrowland.

Suffice it to say, there are some very big ideas in Prometheus and, therefore, it covers a very vast expanse of time.

I like projects that are entertaining, where I'm emotionally engaged and there's something to think about afterwards.

The frustrating thing about Friday Night Lights is I know a lot more people would respond to the show if they saw it.

I went to journalism school, so sometimes writing the script of 'Being Mary Jane' is me putting my journalism hat on.

That's a big part of the process: making the right choice from the beginning. Not getting distracted by shiny things.

I was writing for live television. And I said to myself, someday, soon as I can, I have got to do a situation comedy.

When someone says something in an interview, the beauty of Twitter is that it's a platform for instantaneous response.

I'm so excited to be part of the environment that David Ellison, Dana Goldberg, and Marcy Ross have built at Skydance.

Chance favors the well prepared. The more stuff you throw in, the more chances you have of looking like, 'I did that.'

Just put your best foot forward and hope for the best. You also have to acknowledge that you're going to make mistakes.

I feel like a centrist, an issue-specific person. I'm pretty conservative fiscally and pretty liberal on social issues.

The frustrating thing about 'Friday Night Lights' is I know a lot more people would respond to the show if they saw it.

I'm a big believer in pose some questions and then answer a few of them before you move onto the next set of questions.

In our show, we try to think about consequences, not about tricking the audience or hiding things to fool the audience.

When relationships don't work out, it doesn't mean you're a bad person, it just means you weren't meant to be together.

Audience laughter, when it's deserved, acts as a sort of fairy dust that makes funny moments not just funny, but joyous.

If something needed to be written, if something needed to be polished, needed to be re-written, I was just handed pages.

Ratings translate into corporations, corporations that need a profit statement this quarter that's larger than the last.

I had my idea of what the series finale of 'King of the Hill' would be, but that's not what the actual series finale was.

First of all, I find everything funny, which is upsetting to my children sometimes, and to people in my life, in general.

There are certain storylines I shouldn't have done, there are certain actors I shouldn't have cast - guest stars, I mean.

Sometimes when I'm reading a script, I can't quite believe that this is going on television alongside cereal commercials.

What you'll gain is the macro story. You'll get a good command of that. And what you might lose is some of the fun of it.

Shows don't reunite because television doesn't work that way. There's no profit model and people go off to do other work.

The Doctor: Don't blink. Don't even blink. Blink and you're dead. Don't turn your back. Don't look away. And don't blink.

Sometime between when the Summer of Love ended and the Summer of Sam began, America became a nation of cynics about love.

I think the Mormon Tabernacle Choir is as great as it is because it's become it's a labor of love. They love what they do.

Marriage isn't all that it's cracked up to be, let me tell you. Honestly. Marriage is probably the chief cause of divorce.

It's always really hard to kill off someone who you just really enjoy working with, writing for, and seeing on the screen.

I can say with pride verging on smugness that I've got two very successful shows that assume their audience is very smart.

On 'Arrow,' we have Ray Palmer and Roy Harper, and if you call Roy 'Ray' and Ray 'Roy,' you have to put money into the jar.

I'm a huge fan of 'The Six Million Dollar Man' and I love the episodes where they would cross over with 'The Bionic Woman.'

I know a lot about words. I get paid to write stories, so I get to talk with people about the meaning behind words all day.

I think somehow I got a sense of the foolishness of the human - my favorite phrase, the foolishness of the human condition.

Women with low self-esteem love bad boys. Women who have work to do love bad boys. Women who love themselves love good men.

I think there is something to be said for churning things out. Motown churned out hits and there is nothing wrong with that.

I think the ultimate thing in some ways for any writer is to work on a character who's going to have a life for a long time.

Whether we like it or not, we all come from someplace. And at some point in our lives, we have to make peace with that place.

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