I write the kind of stuff I'd like to watch.

It is not a lie to keep the truth to oneself.

People simply don't make eye contact anymore.

You think you're funny? I think I'm adorable.

The novel remains a very special form for me.

There should be nothing I can't live without.

You really can't quantify what 'Dietland' is.

People love a good mystery; I understand that.

Money can't buy happiness—but it can buy beer.

Send a drop of kindness, and see a happy face.

One doesn't have a sense of humor. It has you.

No one in my writers' room can wear sweatpants.

Good things come to those with no expectations.

Luck is opportunity plus preparation plus luck.

Being an aging woman in Hollywood is no picnic.

Fascinatingly confident, rude people are great.

The dance world was a big part of my growing up.

Marriage is probably the chief cause of divorce.

I'm a huge fan of Kathryn Bigelow's 'Near Dark.'

I'm pretty sure that Murdoch loathes the Internet

I'm excited and terrified to write something new.

My dad called me meat head dead from the neck up.

All great sci-fi is: Be careful what you wish for.

If you're good at something, never do it for free.

It's a TV show. Only the emotional damage is real.

The Doctor...is embarrassingly human for an alien.

Driver picks the music, shotgun shuts his cakehole.

Forgive my rudeness. I cannot abide useless people.

I think it's a big part of being a creative person.

If you say you had a zen moment, you already didn't.

How can you forgive if you can’t remember to forget?

I believe we should be good custodians of the Earth.

We may be born equal but we're not equally talented.

It's much easier to say negative things in a review.

Witty and mean is easy - but fond and funny is hard.

Cinema is so slow and boring compared to television.

That's a number that in broadcasting is unimaginable.

Like everbody, I'm addicted to 'The Handmaid's Tale.'

Beauty, brains, and a complete psycho. My dream girl.

The dimensions of the radio are truly to be treasured.

I'm not sitting around thinking of ideas for TV shows.

My first job in television was on 'My So-Called Life.'

Connecting dots is not that rewarding of an experience.

Better a sovereign in squalor than a slave in splendor.

They can be totally insane, but fans are our lifeblood.

I collaborate with people who know I'm a control freak.

In my 90-plus years, I have lived a multitude of lives.

Life doesn't tend to fix things or wrap them up in bows.

Television showrunners are a foolishly optimistic bunch.

Can't write worrying what the Internet's going to think.

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