I got to have a TV show that really was the talk of the nation for a while there. So I'm a very lucky guy.

So many of the indie movies that get made are not about topics that touch millions and millions of people.

There's something really cool about scaring children. Traumatize a generation, that's what it's all about.

Dance was always part of my life because I was a dancer and my mother was a dancer, and I love the theater.

I grew up where my parents would literally shove me in the car rather than have to say hello to a neighbor.

She looked confused. She looked off-balance. That's a technique I employ to get dates, and it always works.

You can be a sophisticated person and still have really old ideas about what love is supposed to look like.

I have this identity for myself as a writer and the only thing that can happen is that I chip away from it.

We are a country of excess. So it's not the violence, per se, but the exacerbation and constant repetition.

Compassion--that's the one thing no machine ever had. Maybe it's the one thing that keeps man ahead of them.

I'm often asked for advice on how to go about making comedy shows like the begrudgingly accepted 'IT Crowd'.

In terms of long-term durable storage, the human mind, paradoxically, is pretty good, but it's very fragile.

When you work in television, it's an isolating experience. You rarely ever get to watch it with an audience.

The TV industry works in this crazy system where everybody's trying to get the same actors at the same time.

You are not special. There is no plan for you. Nothing happens for a reason. Just try not to die and shut up.

If you don’t believe in yourself, nobody else is going to. So go for it. Find what makes you happy and do it.

The challenge is creating a character that's rich and interesting to warrant following for a number of years.

I've always been an enormous fan of comic books and anything that captures the real in a surreal environment.

I'm very connected and passionate about what I put out in the world, and I want to get things safely to shore.

I think what's dangerous is 24 hours a day, 335 channels, or whatever the hell there is. Too much is too much.

Hearing the faraway sounds of children at recess makes me understand that I am no longer life's main character.

If you are a good writer - and I think I am - you are able to handle any kind of group and imagine their lives.

Being deaf and partially blind means I don't really watch TV. I wouldn't know what to do with a remote control.

I'm trying to talk about challenging subjects people might not like and trying to find relief as we discuss it.

I happen to like dark, and I like the fact that 'Arrow' is a pretty dark show, particularly for a network show.

There's this idea that Hollywood sells over and over again: 'If I just looked more like this, I'd be accepted.'

There're been sort of a sea change in my work in general, in that the more personal, the universal it's become.

I like a certain style of show, I like a certain pace, I like a rhythm, I like a lot of comedy in with my drama.

For us, there's an inherent process when you're ending something to be thinking about the beginning, as writers.

I was in the land of fakes and frauds and phonies-I felt like saying “Howdy cousin,” to everybody who walked by.

Listening takes practice, and it takes patience. But I promise, if you listen, your story will be better for it.

I hope I am pigeonholed with comedy. I'm really not interested in writing the darker stuff, the emotional stuff.

I love flawed characters, male or female, and I only want to talk about flawed characters, really, in what I do.

Time away from thinking about something is as valuable - perhaps even more so - than directly thinking about it.

In the writers' room, when we talk about each episode, we first talk about the character journey of the episode.

I always liked magic. I was always embarrassed by liking magic because I liked the fact that they're just lying.

The movies had a slogan at the time, to distinguish themselves from TV, that said 'movies are better than ever.'

I'm a big gamer. I know the lead time and how long it takes to develop a game and how hard it is to get it right.

I think my generation has grown up knowing that you don't pay attention to trolls because trollin's what they do.

There's real peril in trying to repeat yourself, and apply rules that applied to something else to a new project.

The difference between a beautifully made failure and a beautifully made hit is who you've got playing the leads.

Hitler: Thank you, whoever you are. I think you just saved my life. The Doctor: Believe me... It was an accident.

I was driving pretty much the way everyone drives in LA, like elephants dancing on each others’ backs at a circus.

I feel that shows like 'Ted' and 'The IT Crowd' are very much more enjoyable watching with friends around a telly.

My earliest memories are making little Super 8 films - or watching my brother make stop-motion space spectaculars.

I certainly often go to a movie and don't remember exactly what the trailer had in it, except that it looked cool.

TV that people will never see, that giant international corporations will never touch, will never pay your salary.

Rose: 'If you are an alien, how come you sound like you're from the north?' Doctor: 'Lots of planets have a north!

Michael Arndt, that guy - you're just supposed to say nice things about other writers, but I worship Michael Arndt.

At least half of my life's many mistakes can be safely put down to impetuosity: the other half derive from inertia.

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