My priorities are where they should be, which is making really great, really exciting television.

Amy: I had something I wanted to tell him. Stuff always gets in the way. Canton: Stuff does that.

It's tough to get any film made, even if you're Martin Scorsese. It's just hard to get films made.

If I had a worldview, and I don't know if I do,but if I did, it's one that's intensely humanistic.

Wormholes are a gravitational phenomena. Or imaginary gravitational phenomena, as the case may be.

Do what you love and you'll always love what you do. I've found that that's true most of the time.

You don't want to take over the universe. You wouldn't know what to do with it beyond shout at it.

Every pilot I've ever written, I've fallen deeply and madly in love with. It's the only way I work.

If you're constantly hamstrung by worry that people aren't going to like it, you can't do your job.

If I had a worldview, and I don't know if I do, but if I did, it's one that's intensely humanistic.

I guess I've always been an aspiring novelist. I went to Princeton and wrote a novel for my thesis.

People are afraid of change. We all are. Human beings are afraid of change, but change can be good.

Your enemies are people too, and maybe they don't have to be enemies if they're that much like you.

Believing the lie that time will heal all wounds is just a nice way of saying that time deadens us.

I think the science around mental illness is always evolving. There's always new kinds of thinking.

A show can be completely dead before you even get on the air. I've been privy to a couple of those.

The more constraints I have, the more opportunities I have to be creative to fix those constraints.

I hope I won't become hated by geeks everywhere, but I don't really know comic books all that well.

People want to evolve the idea of the word "mini-series." Mini-series has an '80s connotation to it.

Whenever you see someone react to something they're reading on their phone, that's life being lived.

I don't like things I work on to have political didacticism - there are questions, but not messages.

A staple of my personality is that I want what I want - and Im willing to do without until I get it.

I had been anorexic for about five years. And I was really sick. I probably weighed about 70 pounds.

You can't ever create defensively. You just have to create the next thing that really speaks to you.

The people that always impress me are the ones that are curious about what they're going to do next.

Violence has not really been an issue. Even in my wildest hopes, I wasn't trying to get violence in.

There was no real controversy with All In The Family. That came from the people on the business end.

At some point, you can't take a risk just to take a risk because that's a betrayal, in and of itself.

You need to tune into a different way of being funny for kids. They're learning the rhythm of a joke.

Movies are always made by committees, and the writer is not at the head of the committee. Thus, mush.

It's always gratifying to hear that people are excited by something that you've been excited to make.

A staple of my personality is that I want what I want - and I'm willing to do without until I get it.

With 'The Flash' in existence, there's no real compelling reason for us to do superpowers on 'Arrow.'

I think if you're feeling great about where you are, everything that led up to it had to be terrific.

If anyone said to me 'invent a new monster so we can sell more toys', I'd kick them out of my office.

I'm a blunt person, not mean-spirited. I come from a place of love, but I'm interested in being real.

Trees like to have kids climb on them, but trees are much bigger than we are, and much more forgiving.

Beyond all our Blackberries and iPhones, we're dangerously separated from our food and water supplies.

One of the great things about TV is the story to tell can be very internal and really character-based.

If women took up arms to defend their reproductive rights, the GOP would ban assault rifles yesterday.

I think of there being two conditions that creative people go through. I think it's fear and curiosity.

When you start a show, the plans are not set in stone. They're really mutable, cocktail napkin sketches.

On 'Sex and The City', when Carrie talked about money problems, I would always think, 'Sell your shoes!'

If you've never watched people watch television, I don't recommend it. It's not an exciting thing to do.

I like getting up in the morning, and I like better having something to do when I get up in the morning.

Well we've moved through the funfair a bit – we've done the rollercoaster, now we're on the ghost train.

Lost is a mystery show, so I think that would be stripping the franchise of sort of its essential nature.

An awful lot of storytelling isn't really about making people understand - it's about making people care.

Like most writers, I write about what has happened to me as that involves the minimum amount of research.

The beauty of a really good movie is that it's a whole world, complete in an hour and a half or two hours.

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