All typefaces are historical.

Make sure your vision is God's vision.

All the old fellows stole our best ideas.

Make sure you are passionate about the vision.

Typography is a minor technicality of civilized life.

Men who would letterspace lower case would shag sheep.

If God doesn't build the vision, He will tear it down.

Anyone that would letterspace blackletter would steal sheep.

The last thing I want to do is pastor a church Jesus ain't at.

There’s a difference between making an imitation and selling it.

And Helvetica maybe says everything, and that's perhaps part of its appeal.

I love the arts, and enjoy going to the art museum whenever I get a chance.

Cast first to your church those visions you absolutely know are the Lord's.

Let's be pastors who cast vision that are worth people giving their life for.

Many of us struggle with ideas that come to our head from our self-identification.

There's all kind of vision in this Book. Just open it up and your people will follow.

Of all the achievements of the human mind, the birth of the alphabet is the most momentous.

As the saying goes, type is a beautiful group of letters, not a group of beautiful letters.

Make sure your vision is biblical. You want to make sure you can defend the vision biblically.

Someday I'll design a typeface without a K in it, and then let's see the bastards misspell my name.

The first thing Jesus tells the church of Ephesus that He loves about them is they have sound doctrine.

I am an eternally curious person, but I wouldn't go to such lengths to know what it is like to be someone else.

Step 1 in casting vision is to make sure your people love Jesus more than they love the vision you are casting.

"Good" people are those who don't hold in the thoughts, but find proper outlets like writing, painting, music, etc.

When your vision is a biblical vision, the people arguing with it are not arguing with you. They are arguing with God.

I've always been introverted and so from a very young age I would play different scenarios in my head and let my imagination run free.

Plenty of white space and generous line spacing,and don't make the type size too miserly. Then you will be assured of a product fit for a king.

I have always been curious about other people. I wonder what goes on in their minds, whether they are good, or bad and I wonder about their lives.

I don't particularly like the word average because when it comes down to it there is no average in people. Everybody has their own streak of uniqueness within them.

The letters don't get their true delight, when done in haste & discomfort, nor merely done with diligence & pain, but first when they are created with love and passion.

Throughout my life I had wandered alone, trying to find pieces of me in any place I could and when it came down to it, I was nothing but a shell of missed opportunities.

Everybody has secrets and some are deeper and darker than others. I think if we peered within the psyche of another we would be all of those things and so very much more.

Type design moves at the pace of the most conservative reader. The good type-designer therefore realizes that, for a new font to be successful, it has to be so good that only very few recognize its novelty.

As humans, no matter our level of understanding, we are very complex beings with very complex thoughts. There are ideas that each of us have within our heads that are so different from each other it is mind boggling.

There was never a point in which I was worried about being jealous about what my friends had seen or done. Instead, I felt blessed that I was able to feel what others were all about. I was enlightened by their truth and way about things.

When a type design is good it is not because each individual letter of the alphabet is perfect in form, but because there is a feeling of harmony and unbroken rhythm that runs through the whole design, each letter kin to every other and to all.

Click-throughs on a video are often much higher than a standard website listing on the front page of Google. If you see a video in the Google results... it stands out a lot more than a regular website listing does, so [it] tends to attract more clicks.

Lettering is a precise art and strictly subject to tradition. The 'New Art ' notion that you can make letters whatever shapes you like,is as foolish as the notion, if anyone has such a notion, that you can make houses any shapes you like. You can't, unless you live all by yourself on a desert island.

Discipline in typography is a prime virtue. Individuality must be secured by means that are rational. Distinction needs to be won by simplicity and restraint. It is equally true that these qualities need to be infused wiht a certain spirit and vitality, or they degenerate into dullness and mediocrity.

Our self-identification changes with our environment, but sometimes those dark thoughts permeate within us and there are those who are able to fight off those thoughts and others who don't want to fight them, or have just given in for whatever reason and whether they know the darkness they act upon is wrong, they love the darkness.

There might be lots of boring thoughts coming from someone else, but the way they come across, they would be mind blowing because they would come in such a way so foreign to me. I think I would mostly be surprised, but alarmed also. There will be something within each of us, despite our differences, in thought processes to connect us.

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