Nike is a marketing-oriented company, and the product is our most ...

Nike is a marketing-oriented company, and the product is our most important marketing tool.

Advertising is the greatest art form of the 20th century.

Advertising is the greatest art form of the 20th century.

Think like a customer

Good marketers measure.

Marketing is the devil.

Marketing is everything.

Marketing just got hard.

Marketing movies is hard.

Your culture is your brand.

Love your readers to death!

Your network is your filter.

Good marketers tell a story.

To me, we're marketing hope.

Be where the world is going.

You can't fake authenticity.

Minicars produce miniprofits.

People internalise marketing.

Marketing is about innovation.

Google loves brands - build one.

Market like the year you are in.

My dad is a marketing mastermind.

The future of business is social.

I think the marketing needs work.

Sales is the parent of marketing.

Always deliver more than expected.

Make it about them, not about you.

Marketing is neither good nor evil.

Social marketing is now a 24-7 job.

B2B does not mean boring marketing.

Why waste a sentence saying nothing?

Everyone lives by selling something.

You can't believe your own marketing.

SEO is not synonymous to JUNK E-MAIL.

Pinterest is like window shopping 3.0.

Customer service is the new marketing.

The best marketing strategy ever: CARE

Overcome the stigma of self-marketing.

It will work. I am a marketing genius.

My books didn't fit a marketing niche.

Smart marketing is about help not hype.

Think like a publisher, not a marketer.

The urgent can drown out the important.

Social media is not owned by marketing.

I learned marketing at my dinner table.

Marketing is an investment, not a cost.

Good-bye broadcast, Hello, conversation.

The future of marketing is philanthropy.

Marketing is the obverse of programming.

War and marketing have many similarities.

Don't use big words. They mean so little.

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