Alone, no one wins freedom.

I like comedy as a group sport.

I don't think about 'age groups.'

Enlightenment is a group activity.

I keep a creative group around me.

How can there be self-help groups?

Genesis fans are a religious group!

I never liked group work in school.

Group meditation according to Jon Kabat

Group action - yes; group thinking - no

Rock groups - they last for a long time.

I don't do stairs. And I don't do groups.

Comedy is a group activity, a verbal orgy.

All of mathematics is a tale about groups.

Jazz groups have to make a living any way.

It's true; I'm fascinated by elite groups.

Gangs are a group reaction to helplessness.

Defy your own group. Rebel against yourself.

Democracy is a danger to any powerful group.

Jagged Edge is one of my favorite R&B groups.

Every group spends more when its income grows.

The Bee Gees are a fly-by-night sort of group.

I've always loved groups like U2 and Coldplay.

Quit Iraq Study Group to avoid politicizing it.

The well-run group is not a battlefield of egos.

DBSK are a very idol group that everyone adores.

Groups tend to be more extreme than individuals.

We were too rough at the edges to be a pop group.

Family... a group experience of love and support.

I'm a person who floats in many different groups.

Preaching is personal counseling on a group basis.

What I need... is a strong drink and a peer group.

Too many whites still see blacks as a group apart.

No violence, No competition, No Groups, No Chiefs.

When fringe groups gather, there is power in that.

I didn't form a group to perform Cilla Black songs.

Federalism should be a meeting point of all groups.

I insist on group singing of the names of the Lord.

Every ethnic group thinks they are the chosen ones.

The way in which a group of people solves problems.

The all-time greatest Atlantic group - The Drifters

I need a focus group like I need a hole in my head.

Folklore is artistic communication in small groups.

Deviants are sacrificed to increase group solidarity

A mob is a group of persons with heads but no brains.

What matters is to aid others, to have a group dream.

You have to rely on others to have success as a group.

All terror groups are bad, and we shall fight them all.

That's my favorite food group: donut. I love the donut.

Every group feels strong once it has found a scapegoat.

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