The Internet is both great and terrible. As a source of information, ...

The Internet is both great and terrible. As a source of information, a tool for delivering music and art, it's great. But spamming ads and piracy of music is terrible. It's stealing.

I do not steal victory.

Hunger steals the memory

The trick is to steal big.

Sometimes I steal costumes.

If the shoe fits, steal it.

No one can steal our dream.

Let no one steal your peace.

Most people still steal music.

Whenever possible, steal code.

Talent borrows, genius steals!

I don't steal things. I'm rich.

Talent imitates, genius steals.

I shouldn't steal in this world.

Never let anyone steal your joy.

Honestly, I love stealing things.

Don’t let anyone steal your milk.

Mediocrity borrows, genius steals.

Only your friends steal your books.

I steal from every movie ever made.

Talent imitates, but genius steals.

Good poets borrow, great poets steal

Bad poets imitate, good poets steal.

Never lie, never cheat, never steal.

Sing me a rainbow. Steal me a dream.

But in a story I can steal her soul.

Never hesitate to steal a good idea.

Don't allow anyone to steal your joy.

Holding back is so close to stealing.

Nobody steals books but your friends.

Don't let those people steal your day

Bad artists copy. Good artists steal.

Where there's property, there's theft.

Most authors steal their works, or buy.

Minor artists borrow, great ones steal.

Good composers don't borrow, they steal

He that steals an egg will steal an ox. be paid for one's joy is to steal.

Did Brother Zachariah just steal our cat?

Stealing is OK as long as it's done well.

We'll climb with you and steal your women.

Let love steal in disguised as friendship.

One should steal only where one cannot rob.

Death steals everything except our stories.

Time steals away without any inconvenience.

We cannot steal the fire. We must enter it.

I ain't going to let nobody steal my dream.

Lesser artists borrow, great artists steal.

If there is something to steal, I steal it.

Good designers copy; great designers steal.

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