Collaboration is really important.

We are accountable for each other.

I'm going to do what feeds my soul.

I'm not voting for Hillary Clinton.

...I will not be silent any longer.

I'm an environmentalist; I recycle.

I spent my whole life working hard.

Democracy is not a spectator sport.

I think that bold leadership sells.

Speed, quality, price. Pick any two.

Dying should not be a taxable event.

I always wanted to be an ambassador.

I like to overcome great challenges.

I do not want to stay in Washington.

It could just be a shift on the axis.

NAFTA's been a big problem for sugar.

What we now have in Iraq is a defeat.

I think we should drill up in Alaska.

I grew up very poor in rural Alabama.

I'm an energetic person. I work hard.

I've said my patience is not infinite.

Our current energy policy is bankrupt.

My spirit tells me I cannot be silent.

We have to get control of our borders.

Wax myrtle: The birds love this stuff.

You know I have had Tea Party support.

Free trade should not mean free labor.

The easy way out is to increase taxes.

We all say things that we later regret.

Democracy derailed is democracy denied.

Choice, not chance, determines destiny.

I guess I'm a black woman with a mouth.

People want transparency in government.

America's fiscal future is frightening.

Save the stonewall to build the levees.

Have the government get out of the way.

My arm bones looked like chicken bones.

I do not wish harm on our constituents.

It's not easy being a pro-life Democrat.

I do have a lot of alumni in Washington.

I work closely with Hispanic leadership.

Encouragement is the oxygen of the soul.

Well, look, I'm as Tea Party as it gets.

Texans are by nature independent people.

I've always tried to vote my conscience.

Any president has to work with Congress.

I know how to stay focused on a mission.

Guns arent the problem; sick people are.

Too much under the thumb of the Iranians.

In Congress, it's all pork, all the time.

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