The vote controls everything that you do.

We must be headlights and not taillights.

Guns aren't the problem; sick people are.

The most biased people are the Democrats.

Hillary Clinton is a dud. She's horrible.

Adult stem cells tend not to form tumors.

Politics is about the art of the possible.

We have major fiscal problems on our hand.

As a Jew, support for Israel is in my DNA.

I want to fight and win the war on cancer.

Sensible people have got to work together.

When we don't unite, we do a terrible job.

Increasingly, Americans don't own America.

In my next life, I want to be Jann Wenner.

San Diego walked away with just a scratch.

Barack Obama will never ignore our troops.

Facts are neither Republican nor Democrat.

I would put myself towards left of center.

Let us not become the evil that we deplore.

I believe very strongly in paid sick leave.

Bush has never sent over a balanced budget.

I'm in the kitchen and I'm not walking out.

I will let the work I've done speak for me.

I came to Congress to help reduce spending.

I think the Democrats' role is to be vocal.

I love the Army with every bone in my body.

Not everything can be solved by government.

The promise of autonomous vehicles is great.

We need a first-class transportation system.

In 2007, I was diagnosed with breast cancer.

You must have confidence in your competence.

We basically ran the Henry Bellmon campaign.

Government on its own is always inefficient.

The reward for playing jazz is playing jazz.

Bottoms line: terrorists are always at work.

I am one imperfect man saved by God's grace.

Delay is not our friend. Delay is our enemy.

The truth is this is a very dangerous world.

My viewpoint is the Senate is dysfunctional.

Letting someone down is not criminal action.

I am the Democratic Whip of the White House.

I'm unelectable in the District of Columbia.

Innovation is the calling card of the future.

We can play politics, or we can reduce crime.

America has long been the land of immigrants.

You have to have patience to be a legislator.

If you're not worried, you're not reasonable.

Opposing [Donald]Trump aligns you with Hamas.

Judges should interpret the law, not make it.

I don't have to give [Donald Trump] a chance.

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