We're Americans - in times of crisis, we step up.

This turbulent world is far from a perfect place.

Remember, the Boston bombers were Chechen rebels.

We should have a very limited federal government.

Transportation spending is a win-win proposition.

America does not fight for land, glory or riches.

Personal privacy is a closely held American value.

I'm always running back and forth to the district.

We cannot waste time. We can only waste ourselves.

We must explain the truth: There is no free lunch.

You dont raise taxes in times of such uncertainty.

You can make people do anything if they're afraid.

Big government doesn't work! It just doesn't work!

I'm a big supporter of our United States military.

On Sundays, I usually go to church with my mother.

It's the water. Everything is driven by the water.

Rewarding law breakers produces more law breakers.

Real economic stimulus comes from real investment.

What's happened is the Republicans have been smart.

I was brought up in a household with sir and ma'am.

I won in a primary, so I understand primary fights.

Violence against women is as American as apple pie.

You don't raise taxes in times of such uncertainty.

I'm not giving the president a blank check, period.

I am not a promoter of more laws, just better ones.

We should stop arguing about tax cuts in this town.

Planned Parenthood is absolutely wasteful spending.

I have to earn re-election. Thats the way I see it.

Gender discrimination has no place in our workforce.

My brother went on to have a long and sordid career.

I don't like the idea of people following me around.

Its important for us as Democrats to stick together.

Since 2000, we've seen base power rates rise by 50%.

I still strongly support a full repeal of Obamacare.

Rosa Parks inspired many. She will not be forgotten.

If China is not going to solve North Korea, we will.

Let me be clear: I am not an advocate of censorship.

Insecurity is failing the American people miserably.

We have not won the battle against drug trafficking.

I have to earn re-election. That's the way I see it.

It's important for us as Democrats to stick together.

A lot of very competent people sometimes make errors.

Conservation of energy also protects our environment.

You cannot be successful and continue to be a victim.

Given Ivan's size and power, we must remain vigilant.

I appeal to people all across the political spectrum.

There certainly are some good aspects to Common Core.

I was so proud when I was commissioned into the Army.

Life is just a series of trying to make up your mind.

If there is wasteful spending, I will not support it.

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