Aaron Gordon, obviously, is a great runner.

All of Aaron Sorkin's characters are so smart.

Maybe in another life, I wanna be Aaron Judge.

Big game? I'll take Cam Newton over Aaron Rodgers.

Aaron McGruder is a straight-up G. I call him Champ.

I certainly wish I were as good-looking as Aaron Eckhart.

Aaron Rodgers, he throws that back-shoulder throw so well.

I am lucky enough to have Aaron Sorkin write what I have to say.

Aaron Echolls is one of the best characters that I've ever played.

More than anyone else, Hank Aaron made me wish I wasn't a manager.

Aaron Spelling went further than anyone has ever gone for television.

You can't really compare any TV show to a show written by Aaron Sorkin.

Any time you work for Aaron Sorkin, your life as an actor is drastically improved.

I mean the home run king, to me, is Hank Aaron, but statistically, it's Barry Bonds.

I understood the importance of doing an Aaron Sorkin film. He's a political filmmaker.

I do duets with folks like Randy Goodman, Aaron Neville, Bryan Adams, people like that.

Tommie Aaron taught me how to have a good attitude, to be easy going and not get uptight.

I once said the wrong movie name to Aaron Eckhart, and boy did he tease me about it for years.

Trying to sneak a fastball past Hank Aaron is like trying to sneak the sunrise past a rooster.

When you have players like Aaron Ramsey, Gareth Bale, and Joe Allen, you've got to play football.

I loved television. 'Starsky and Hutch' was my show. 'SWAT.' Both Aaron Spelling shows. Loved 'em.

I don't see myself as somebody special. I just see myself as Aaron, the same guy I've been all my life.

I can't speak for all queens, but Sharon Needles is definitely a different entity from me as Aaron Coady.

I really like the way he plays, but I also really like the way he treats people, Aaron Judge. I'm a big fan.

I played with Willie Mays and against Hank Aaron. They were tremendous players, but they were no Josh Gibson.

Obviously, when you have a quarterback of the caliber of Aaron Rodgers, we're going to have high expectations.

I love 'Breaking Bad,' and the fact that my friend Aaron Paul is in it makes it all the more special to watch.

Aaron Pryor wants to get into the ring with me. He wants to be able to retire, and he will. For health reasons.

For better or worse, I have a lot of vaudeville circus skills that you just can't showcase in Aaron Sorkin's work.

I've always loved the writing of Aaron Sorkin. He cleverly intersperses big issues alongside personal relationships.

Aaron Rodgers - I love the way he scrambles and how he plays the game - he always makes great decisions with the ball.

I served four years in the Air Force in South Korea, and my brother, Aaron, served in the Army there, too, on the DMZ.

For the longest time, it's always been Aaron Rodgers and the offense. It's nice to have a little notoriety on defense.

Aaron Sorkin is why people hate liberals. He's a smug, condescending know-it-all who isn't as smart as he thinks he is.

Every creator sets up their world differently. That's what's so amazing about someone like Aaron Sorkin and his writing.

Not having a great relationship with my brother Aaron, or what people think that relationship should be, didn't define me.

Ability-wise, when you see the best of Aaron Ramsey... at his best, is he good enough for Barcelona? Yes he is, at his best.

During my many hours on the Acela, I have taken to watching 'The West Wing,' Aaron Sorkin's drama of an idealised White House.

I do know the Spelling family. I worked for Aaron Spelling when I was a brunette. I've known them since Tori was a little girl.

There are certainly people who have committed horrific, evil acts in the history of humanity. I don't think Aaron Burr's one of them.

So now I have a collection of poetry by Aaron Neville and I give it to people I want to share it with. I'd like to publish it someday.

Anything that Aaron Sorkin writes, I could watch a million times. One of the few shows that I've watched in repeats was 'The West Wing.'

I think Aaron Sorkin is like Shakespeare. When you go through it, there is a rhythm and clues all over the place of how it should be played.

It's very important, when you talk about a player like an Aaron Donald, 'Hey, here comes Ndamukong. How do you feel about a player like that?'

As a former player, I have a real appreciation for a guy like Aaron Rodgers and how much time he puts into his craft and how good he is doing it.

That was mandatory in the contract with Aaron Spelling, that if you were contracted to do one of his shows, you had to do any other shows that were his.

I'd love to work with Aaron Sorkin on something. Just the way he writes, he has no fear in writing people that are fiercely intelligent, and I love that.

Aaron Cruden and Beauden Barrett have both been decent, but Dan Carter takes it on to a different level, and he kicks his goals better than both of them.

I usually find a couple of guys in the offseason to watch - their clips, their games and see how they play. Aaron Rodgers is one. I try to watch Drew Brees.

People are going to doubt Aaron Donald and they're going to like Aaron Donald. But at the end of the day, my job is to make plays and let them speak for me.

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