I love accents.

I can do accents really well.

Accents are very easy for me.

My accent's become a weird hybrid.

I never really had a strong accent.

I don't have a good British accent.

My accent depends on whom I'm around.

I'm a Yente and I have a terrible accent.

I havent lost my culture, just my accent.

Accent the ugly until it becomes gorgeous.

I grew up with a very strong Irish accent.

I personally am not conscious of my accent.

It can get a bit boring working on accents.

It's a challenge getting rid of your accent.

Work on the accent, it will enliven the whole.

Accent your positive and delete your negative.

I can hardly understand the Australian accent.

I think pompous accents are inherently funnier.

Patriots Nation is loud, they have sick accents.

I've always had facility with the German accent.

I love doing impressions and I love doing accents.

Those English and Scottish know how to do accents.

I had a Southern accent but I had broken it so hard.

An accent in a way can be an entry into a character.

I'm a parrot. I can pick up an accent and just do it.

I'm a sucker for any guy with an accent with any kind.

You can't do Shakespeare with a Southern accent, honey.

St. Louis is a very interesting city in terms of accents.

Apparently when I went to school, I had a Glasgow accent.

Accents. I'm very good with accents. I'm exceedingly good.

I never found accents difficult, after learning languages.

Personally, just as an actor, I love accents; they're fun.

You can learn any accent you want. It's a fascinating thing.

Do you know what a foreign accent is? It's a sign of bravery.

Leather accents on pieces make it fun and spices up an outfit.

When I do an accent I commit fully and take it very seriously.

Germans don't speak in a German accent, they just speak German.

I like doing accents and I like learning as much as I can learn.

The only thing I did at RKO of any note was lose my Texas accent.

I don't want to lose my accent, I just want it to become smaller.

It's rare that there's a role that requires an Australian accent.

I just remember him [Baz Luhrmann] making me laugh, and his accent.

My accent always works with girls. They like it, I have no idea why.

Because I had an accent, people had this impression that I was dumb.

I've heard some duff Irish accents. The worst must be Mickey Rourke.

I toned down my accent at school; otherwise, people would pick on me.

Eccentricity is like having an accent. It's what "other" people have.

Do not allow the accents in the brass to produce space between the notes.

By weaker accents, what's your praise When Philomel her voice doth raise?

Accent and emphasis are the pith of reading; punctuation is but secondary.

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