I'm young at heart and dress accordingly.

I believe in content, and I go accordingly.

I like to read the situation and play accordingly.

You have to know your crowd. And adjust accordingly.

Know, first, who you are, and then adorn yourself accordingly.

As I get older and more mature, my artwork changes accordingly.

The sensory acts are accordingly distinguished by their objects.

One has to be honest to the story and choose actors accordingly.

Accordingly, one race is neither superior nor inferior to another.

When I put on my Marine cover, I'm a Marine, and I act accordingly.

These managers all know their onions and cut their cloth accordingly.

The best we can do is prioritize our needs and make choices accordingly.

In Sandalwood, each hero has a style and songs are composed accordingly.

Hope looks forward. Faith knows it has already received and acts accordingly.

Money talks, and when it starts to say goodbye, humans listen and act accordingly.

It should be a singer's quality to know what a composer wants and sing accordingly.

I've realised what my strengths are and what my strengths are not, and played accordingly.

I am a huge hip-hop fan, and growing up, I only listened to hip-hop, so I dressed accordingly.

Good captains know the strengths and weaknesses of their teams and make decisions accordingly.

I do hate air conditioning and early mornings, but my friends all know this and plan accordingly.

One of the fastest things a fruit fly does is take information from its eyes and react accordingly.

When I was composing for 'The Villain,' I looked at it as a fan and came up with tunes accordingly.

Until I feel strong enough to pray sincerely and to act accordingly, I would rather not pray at all.

Everyone has limits. You just have to learn what your own limits are and deal with them accordingly.

I rely on breakfast to give me a kickstart of energy in the morning, so I choose my foods accordingly.

What makes film music different is that we are always given a situation and we make the song accordingly.

There was no convincing me that a stepmother could be anything but a wicked ogre, and I acted accordingly.

What I want to write about has changed somewhat, and the scope of the storytelling has changed accordingly.

Music creates a certain mood and then people dress accordingly. I think it's all quite closely intertwined.

I always wanted to see my parents without any stress and accordingly knocked every audition for an opportunity.

People can say the media stuff drains you and everything, but you set everything up accordingly to the schedule.

Trump loves the media. Trump understands the power it has and, accordingly, loves the people who have media power.

One cannot tell the High Court what to adjudicate. They must judge, and then the legislature must act accordingly.

When Californians see something we truly believe in, we say so and act accordingly - without evasiveness or equivocation.

When you get on to fresh grass courts you always know that they might be a bit slippery but you have to adjust accordingly.

It's kind of a negative connotation that CrossFit gets. It's all dependent on the person and it has to be scaled accordingly.

If I'm bringing joy to people and entertaining people as an actor, then I should be grateful for that and act accordingly, you know?

Accordingly the Northern races of Europe found their inspiration in the Bible; and the enthusiasm for it has not yet quite faded away.

I am a friend when I need to be a friend, a father when I need to be a father, a musician when music calls. I switch roles accordingly.

Conflicts are not temporary interruptions: they are structural, socio-economic catastrophes, and funding must be allocated accordingly.

It's important that you love and respect your body, understand what it needs, and accordingly give everything in appropriate proportion.

I look at my cell phone to see what time it is where I am, and then you behave accordingly. If people are eating, it must be time to eat.

Whether you're a man or a woman - whatever your gender - if you're doing a job, and you're doing it well, you should be paid accordingly.

Most British cheeses are now vegetarian and are labelled accordingly. However, French and Italian manufacturers still tend to use rennet.

The best thing about working with kids is that they are so open and honest that you sort of know where they stand and can act accordingly.

We are growing both in the U.S. and in India, and all our business plans are made accordingly. So we are expanding both in U.S. and in India.

We gained a great deal of prestige, but not much money. We liked to work so much we couldn't hide it and the club owners paid us accordingly.

I can work with both the old, revered filmmakers and new directors. It is amazing how they see me in their world, and then I adapt accordingly.

I believe Donald Trump is a bona fide authoritarian. I am deeply concerned that if he were president of the United States, he would act accordingly.

Every retailer, when they price their goods, looks at their total cost overall. When they have costs go up, they'll price their products accordingly.

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