I wish they taught green screen acting classes.

I started taking acting classes when I was twelve.

And I've been taking acting classes since I was 7.

I dropped out of school and I never took acting classes.

I got into acting classes. I didn't want to just go by luck.

I took acting classes in my senior year in college and I loved it.

I could probably do a documentary on acting classes; I've taken so many.

Some people go to acting classes to learn. I just kind of went for the dates.

For basically two years, I took acting classes and found my own stride in L.A.

I've never been to acting classes or anything like that. Everything I do is quite instinctual.

I grew up in Sydney, Australia, and I started doing acting classes when I was in eighth grade.

Most of my friends all tend to work in restaurants part time, doing acting classes on the side.

I used to do school plays. I never really took any acting classes. I'm just a natural ham, I guess.

There's not a day that I don't work on vocals, have vocal coaches, go to acting classes, read books.

In college, I would just drop out of all my classes, and I would just be left with my acting classes.

I had been taking acting classes on and off while I was modeling, so I always had a dream to be in a film.

I began acting when I was very young, maybe 5 or so? Just by going to acting classes and that sort of thing.

I'd started going to acting classes at 14, played 'Medea' at 15 and really wanted to be a classical actress.

After being signed for 'Madras Cafe,' I joined Jogi Singh's acting classes, where I learned the basic nuances.

When I was in my freshman year at college I took some acting classes and found that I fell in love with it again.

I was fortunate enough to model, but it was always work for me. It was a way to support myself and finance acting classes.

I never took acting classes, but I knew I could do it based on the skill with which I lied to my parents on a regular basis!

I explored the arts in general; I took painting classes and sketching classes and acting classes and all sorts of different things.

I'd always keep going back to the acting. Once the rent was paid, and the phone bill, the next money you had was for acting classes.

I've been doing some Shakespeare acting classes - and I really enjoyed it. I never thought that would be something I would say, but I am.

A dream my girlfriend and I have is to move to New York for a year or two because we just love the city. I would take some acting classes.

Acting has been a passion of mine since I was young, I took acting classes through most of high school and years following while training MMA.

I wanted to be an actor, like, so, so bad. I took acting classes, I auditioned for Disney, and then I realized how nervous I got with remembering lines.

I moved to L.A. straight out of graduating my arts high school and worked three jobs to afford living while taking acting classes and auditioning often.

I moved to California in 2011 to be a writer. A family friend told me to take acting classes so I could do commercials and actually make a little money.

I was in ballet classes, I took singing lessons, I started taking acting classes as a hobby. When I was younger, I had my mind set on dancing or singing.

Acting classes, I guess, are good and I would like to maybe sometime take one. But I would feel like I was learning someone else's technique. I like mine.

I started doing work as an extra and began taking acting classes. My height didn't seem to matter and no one was making fun of me. I found where I belonged.

It took many years of acting classes to get even remotely comfortable, but that's OK. It helped me so much on a personal level, not to mention professionally.

I love acting classes. I think they're great. It's like working out in the gym. It's a great place to figure out everything that's working and what isn't working.

I took acting classes, and I'm always trying to improve myself. Everyone can improve, and the more you work in the industry, the better you are going to feel about it.

There is a bearing which comes from having a little bit of something withheld. In acting classes, they always say don't reveal 100 percent: it's much more interesting.

I don't take acting classes - I'm quite an autodidact. I prefer to learn from other actors by watching various movies. Evaluate my acting, spot the flaws and fix them.

I grew up watching film shootings as I always accompanied my father during my holidays. So I was not scared about facing the camera nor did I go to any acting classes.

My first film was with Cuba Gooding Jr, 'The Fighting Temptations,' and I had a little part here and there on little shows as guest stars. And I've taken acting classes.

I always wanted to be a singer, and so, when I was 5 years old, I started acting classes so I could be a better performer. I wanted to have a powerful voice so I could be heard.

I went to a lot of theatre schools, got a lot of training, did a lot of repertory where you do a different play every night. I took a lot of voice, movement, and acting classes.

I loved the gentlemanly way they treated each other. It was unlike anything I was used to. I started helping them strike the set and, at 11, began taking acting classes privately.

I started playing violin when I was six, so I thought I could be a professional. It wasn't until I was 15 when I got into acting classes and realized this was what I wanted to do.

I never thought of myself doing period. When you're in your acting classes, and you think about the kind of roles you want to play, it's always 'modern relationship drama'-type things.

I don't really get nervous for auditions, because I just see them as mini acting classes. There's no need to have an attachment to the outcome because it's out of your hands after that.

I've had probably way too many acting classes, and you try to sort of shed - I think over a period of time, you'll shed what doesn't stick with you, and you'll hang onto those things that do.

I used to spend a lot of time at football training, but that time was later spent in amateur acting classes and my local youth theatre, in plays at school and after-school clubs. That filled the void.

To be honest, I never went to school for acting, and I never learned to break down a script. I took acting classes my whole life, but they never taught me anything about acting. They just taught me about myself.

My dad signed me up for some acting classes at a place in Honolulu, and there I got to audition for some L.A.-based talent agents. I got a few 'callbacks' and so my mom and I decided to fly to California and check it out!

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