I didn't go to acting school.

I think I'm more the method acting school.

I didn't go to film school, I went to acting school.

I went to acting school. I went to college for acting.

I love learning on set, it's the best acting school ever.

The government gave me enough money to go to acting school.

Twelve to 15 years of acting school, and I am being a bird.

Drama school, you know, I own an acting school, Actor Prepares.

Maybe I'll go to acting school. Acting is like boxing, you know.

I'd never been to acting school, so I never thought I'd get this far.

There's a whole catalogue of actors that never went to acting school.

Through theater and acting school, I found a way to articulate myself.

I didn't grow up wanting to be an actor, and I didn't go to acting school.

I never went to school. I never went to acting school because I was so scared.

I'm not someone who went to acting school - I was just out of the gate, doing it.

I went to acting school in New York City for two years. I studied with Stella Adler.

Growing up in Sweden, I decided pretty early on that I wanted to go to acting school.

The thing about me is I have a great little acting school. I teach about 125 students.

I went to acting school, and I polished my dancing, but I didn't really learn how to fight.

I was an amazing bartender and a great waiter. I think, in a way, that was my acting school.

I started going to acting school when I was 14, and I would always have my own take on things.

I didn't know how capable I was until the people around me in acting school would say I was good.

At acting school people didn't speak like me. It was all received pronunciation - 'ow now brown cow.'

I graduated high school a year early and moved to Los Angeles to go to acting school, which is hilarious.

I never went to acting school, so improv was my training. Just being quick on your feet helps in everyday life.

If I could go back to my first year of acting school, I'd probably say: 'Relax. Stop taking yourself so seriously.'

I left acting school really hoping that I could be on a television show of some sort, working in movies in Hollywood.

You know, back in acting school they always teach you, 'Make bold choices and look for activities that are interesting.'

I went to acting school, but only for nine months. If you're an actor, you know, don't really need to learn how to do it.

I did drama at school, as a kid, but I ain't been to, like, acting school or anything. I was in a couple of school plays.

I was a bad kid. I was a really naughty kid. I couldn't read or write. And that was me punishment - going to acting school.

I was bored one day, so my dad took me to this acting school. I liked it more than having fun - I liked it for an actual job.

I started going to acting school in my senior year in high school, and I remained in acting school through four years of college.

I didn't go to acting school, but I've been observing my fellow man for 66 years now, and I would think that's the best school there is.

When I moved to Los Angeles to be on the radio, there was an acting school on every corner. You can't be in L.A. and not be into acting.

'Community' was a very important part of my growth as an actor. I see it as my acting school, not having a lot of formal acting training.

Sometimes when I'm not working, I go and teach at an acting school, and quite selfishly, that makes me feel more inspired to do things myself.

Acting school was summer camp, and I needed concentration camp. I had so many different ideas swirling between culture and how to tie things together.

To be at acting school, it was kind of the first time you felt the freedom to be as much of yourself as you wanted. People weren't going to judge you.

I got involved with an acting school and studied for a couple years. They used to have improv exercises that you would work on and you would do improvs.

Coming from theater, and having been to acting school, and done little, small Australian independent movies, a lot of the time, it's always about character.

I've been training as an actor for six years. Nobody goes to acting school for six years. I mean, the college course is only four years! I absolutely trained.

I never went to acting school. I started in the circus, music hall, I was in a group, did kids' bits. I've always had this kind of insecurity being uneducated.

I used to be very shy, and when I joined Satyanand sir's acting school, I used to be afraid to talk in front of everyone. But I learnt so much from Satyanand sir.

I was never in an acting school. But I learned everything on the job like memorising lines, all the technicalities of theatre, how to use your voice and eyes and more.

I really had the best time on 'Mad Men.' It was a wonderful place for me, because I never went to an acting school or anything like that, so 'Mad Men' was kind of my training.

I went to an arts high school and was surrounded by drama students who dreamed of working in the industry. I almost feel a sense of guilt, because I didn't go to acting school.

I went to school for singing, middle school at LaGuardia High School. Followed by Berkeley College of Music and afterwards I went to acting school at the Neighborhood Playhouse for Theater.

I've never gone to acting school and I never will, so I'm learning about the business from the people who are in the business. It doesn't seem like I work at all. And the unknown is always exciting.

When I went to acting school, the kids that got the best grades were the kids that could cry on cue. But it didn't really translate into careers for any of them, because the external is the easy part.

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